Chapter 3: The book worm

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Things had finally died down for Gajeel, the guild finally excepted him as a member of Fairy Tail. Was he happy? Yeah, Gajeel was happy but he wasn't ever going to say it out loud. Did he still hate himself? Yes, he hated him self with a passion. Did he love the sweet book worm Levy Mcgarden? He didn't know, she had opened his eyes a little and he became interested in her. He wanted to know how and why she could forgive people so easily and how she could love like he had never seen anyone love someone before. So no, he didn't love her but he cared for her.

" Gajeel, is there a reason you're following me? " Levy ask sheepishly.

" No, I'm just observing and taking notes. " He responded.

Levy faced him and became a little cross, " You're treating me as if I'm some sort of animal in a zoo, Gajeel! "

Smirking he bend down to come face to face with her, " Well, you are a shrimp. "

Taking in a deep breath Levy rolled her eyes and continued to do her studying and such. Gajeel never let his gaze leave her. She was so interesting, the way she was so interested in what she was reading. Gajeel never really sat down to read a book himself and they just seemed so dull and boring. Everything was black and white. Just words.

" Oy, shrimp. Why do you read books? " He asked.

Levy took off her glasses and looked at Gajeel, " Well, I am a solid script mage. With just my finger I can say a word and take it into a solid object. Watch.. " Said Levy as she lifted up her finger.

" Iron! " shouted Levy as the letters to spell just that floated into the air and softly landed in front of Gajeel. His eyes lit up and he held himself from devouring that piece of iron to become fuel for his belly.  He was an Iron dragon slayer after all.

Levy noticing Gajeel holding back she giggled and pushed the iron a little more towards him, " You can have it you know, I didn't make this just for the heck of it. "

Hurriedly Gajeel grabbed the piece of Iron and became to take bites of out it. This is some pretty good stuff, he thought to himself. With his mouth full he responded to Levy.

" Dis stuff good, I  didnn't now wards could tastsh to good. " He said, Levy barely understanding him.

" Don't talk with your mouth so full, Gajeel. You'll choke! "

Swallowing, he shook him head, " Nah, I'm tougher than Iron. It's got nothing on me."

" Right.. Now, please let me get back to my studies. Be a good boy and eat your iron quietly, okay Gajeel? "

So he did as he was told and quietly snacked on the iron she had made for him all the while still softly gazing at her. He liked the way she read and he liked the way her scent gathered to make Levy, a scent only he knew so he can find her.  He liked her for her. But what did he mean that he liked her? Was it because she was so interesting to him? Maybe.

After a while Gajeel had fallen asleep as Levy was studying and when he awoke he found that she too had drifted off to sleep. Her head resting on her arms as drool trailed down the side of her mouth.

" Shrimp here look so peacefully when she's sleeping like this. " He whispered to himself.

Not wanting her to catch a cold he gently lifted her up in his arms and walked towards her bed. He looked at Levy and felt his heart throb like when he had first saw her smile. He had finally reached her bed and gently placed her on it. Taking off his jacket he place it onto her and walked away to let her rest and decided to do a little bit of exploring around the bluenette's house.

So many books, thought Gajeel. They smelled of new and dirt. A scent that the book worm enjoyed so much, actually. He walked around slowly as he could so the wood flooring wouldn't creek and wake up Levy.

" So many books she has, I wonder if she's read all of them. "

As Gajeel reached Levy's study desk, he found Levy's journal, he was so tempted to read. He wondered if she had written about him. He had to know, he just had to know what the book worm thought of him. So, he opened it.. and what he read.. made his heart drop.

I'm finally feeling a little better from what had happened. The man from the phantom lord guild had beaten up Jet, Droy, and I. When I looked into his eyes all I saw was darkness, those red eyes had no life in them and it was terrifying, it was like he was a monster straight out of a fairy tale. I couldn't bare to even-

Gajeel closed the book and refused to read anymore, this is what she had thought him. What she thought of him the time he hurt her so bad. He felt.. a strange pain. It tore him in side. And he didn't know why. Frustrated, he stormed out of the house and to where ever Gajeel decided to go. Back at Levy's place, she had heard the door slam shut.

As she sat up in bed, she realized Gajeel had brought her here and put his jacket on her. She blushed a little as she realized but she wondered why he had stormed out so suddenly. Was he cross with her? But why? She felt a little pain sting in her chest as she wondered if she had done something wrong.

And if she did, would he forgive her? Would she get that chance? Levy began to over think and it scared her. It may have been just a little time of her knowing Gajeel but he became such a great friend to him and if she lost that friendship.. she couldn't bare it.

End of chapter 3

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