Home alone with keith. part 1

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Lance's POV:
"Why do I have to stay at the Castle with KEITH! I say as the others get to their Lions,
"Because we are going to a mission!" Shiro said half lying, he wanted keith and lance to bond and not argue anymore but they did have to go on a mission.
"Finnnnneee! I say as they leave,
Omg now I have to be alone with my crush! I have to tell him I like him, but how?! He's so hot I get nervous I start to being awkward around him! How long with the others be?!!

Pidge's POV:
This is going to be fun! Keith and Lance have a crush on each other for a really long time so this is the chance to get them together!!
"How long will we be out of the castle?" I asked
"Till tomorrow night" Shiro answers,
"Where will we sleep??" Ask Hunk
"In the castle, we are going to sneak on" answer Shiro
"Well we better get going!" Says Allura and I fan girling

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