(Modeling Day 1)

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(*After a forced career Ending Paige turns to Modeling in WWE and Today is Day One of her Photoshoot and The Beginning Of her Catching the Eye of The ENTIRE men's Locker room*)

Seth:"Hey man did you guys see paige?

Adam:"Oh yeah man she's looking real nice"

Finn:"Yeah lads, she's a hottie

Adam:"She has a photoshoot today"

Seth:"How do you know?

Finn:"She's been talking about it on Twitter and Instagram"


Finn:"Hey here she comes"

Paige:"Hey guys"




Paige:"Have you guys seen Nia?

Adam:"Yeah she's at catering"

Paige:"Oh ok"

Seth:"So You're getting ready for you,photoshoot huh?

Paige:"Yeah I'm excited"

Finn:"It's really sad that you can't be out there in that ring anymore"

Seth:"Yeah that's so bad,because you are one of the baddest wrestlers to have ever step foot in that ring"

Adam:"The best"

Paige:"Thanks guys,I mean I really miss being out there to,but I'm not giving up"

Finn:"Well that's good"

(*Nia and Alexa walks up*)

Nia:"Is that my Wifey??

Paige:"Hi (*Jumps on nia*) I missed you"❤❤❤

Nia:"Did you get my texts?


Alexa:"Hi Paigey poo"

Paige:Hey lexi poo❤❤😍😍😍😍

Alexa:"I came for this photoshoot"


Paige:"Aww thanks girlies ❤❤❤❤

Nia:"Well Alexa and I have to go to and interview we'll catch you later hun"❤❤

Paige:"Ok,just text me when you're done"

Alexa:"Ok bye (*Hugs Paige*)

(*They leave,and Paige hangs with The guys*)

Adam:"So Paige when's the photoshoot????

Paige:"In a little bit"

(*Bayley and Sasha and dean and roman walks up*)

Bayley:"Hey paige (*Hugs paige*)

Paige;"Bayley ❤❤❤❤❤

Sasha:"Lemme get my camera girl pose😂😂😂❤❤❤

Paige:"😂😂😂😂(*Hugs sasha*)

Bayley:"Hi finn,Seth adam"

Adam:"Hey there Bayley"

Seth:"Hi bayley"

Finn:"Hey bayley,Sasha, roman,Dean"

Dean:"What's up nerds"

Paige:"Guys I want you all to know that After my photoshoot I'm having a little get together At my house and you're all invited"

Sasha:"whoooooo👐👐👐👐 I'll be there bay bay"



Becky:"Did someone say party? I'm in👐👐👐

Paige:"Hi becky (*hugs becky*)

(*There's an awkward silence between Becky and Dean because they recently broke up*)

Roman:"Hey sasha!


(*Roman pulls Sasha to the side*)

Roman:"Look I'm sorry about our last date, I mean with Becky Dean really had nothing to do"

Sasha:"Roman look I get it ok,but I didn't sign up for a relationship With You AND Dean ok"

Roman:"Sasha wait....

Sasha;"Don't touch me"


Sasha:"Come on Bayley let's Go"

Becky:"So um,Paige I heard about your photoshoot"

Paige;"Yes I am very excited"

(*Becky pulls Paige aside*)

Becky:"Um can I talk to you for a sec paige"

Paige:"Sure Becks"

Becky:"Is Dean gonna be invited to your party?


Becky:"Because we just broke up and I really don't want to be around him"

Paige:"Well Becks I can't just tell him not to come"

Becky:"Well could you,do me a favor and keep,him away from me please"


Becky:"(*Whisper*) oh,and by the way,Seth,Adam and Finn are only there to watch your photoshoot"


Becky:"Yeah they've been talking about it all day and that's the tea sister"


Becky:"See ya later paige"

Paige:"ok Becks"

(*Becky leaves*)

Paige:"So what are you guys gonna do in the next hour?🤔

Adam:"Um...well I Um... was gonna catch The game......um with Finn"

Finn:"Yeah.....um Seth we had plans didn't we?

Seth:"Um.. yeah Of course We do....

Paige:"Guys,guys it's ok if you wanna see my Photoshoot that's ok"


Finn:"Yeah I mean why would us guys want to watch a Girl's photoshoot for?

Seth:"Yeah,that's so boring"

Paige:" "boring"???


(*The photographer is ready for Paige as she taunts Finn,Adam and Seth*)

Photographer:"Ok we need her in something sexy"

Seth:"Oh my God ,(*Whispers*) She's so sexy"

Finn:"(*Whisper*) Look at the boobs lads💦💦💦

Adam:"She's so gorgeous"

Paige:"Oh Guys I thought that this was "Boring"? Pick your mouths up 😂😂😂😂😂

Sasha:"Whoo mami😍😍😍😍

Bayley:"Yass girl"


Nia:"Wifey looking like a snack😍😍😍😍


Roman:"Seth? Finn? Adam? Are you guys ok"

Seth:"Yeah Yeah I'm fine

Finn:"Yeah lad I'm good"

Becky:"Yeah we all know That You're all on Hard right now lads"

Stay tuned..........

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