School and freinds.

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I'm going to be pretty straight forward with this... I don't necessarily like school. Most people don't, and im part of the most people that don't.

Maybe I don't like it because of the constant pressure of feeling like you must be "perfect". Even though clearly you aren't, and can't be, but still. Sometimes I wonder who invented the idea of "perfect". That person must have some seriously high standards.

Or maybe I don't like it 'cause im not very good with people. Which is an issue of mine. I tend to get overly anxious with people or I'm extremely obnoxious to them. Even when I try to socialize I find a way to screw it up.

Maybe its just all the drama. I mean I'm sure I don't really have to explain that sentence but I will anyways. Most likely, unless your homeschooled or something along those lines, you've dealt with the whole they-were-just-my-best-freind-yesterday ordeal or the -these-people-are-being-jerks-to-me-and-I-don't-even-know-them thing.

Maybe, I'm not sure if its just my school or what, its the fact that my teachers do pretty much the same thing every day. Or, at least, they say and do things in the same manner every day. Like, shcool is already EXTREMELY boring to me and I already have trouble focusing in class. Now your going to say the same thing daily? Jeez. And you wonder why I don't pay attention?

I don't, as mentioned before, have the BEST people skills. I actually surprisingly, have quite a few friends, for when I want to be I can be really social. By social I don't mean like, popular social. I mean like, I walk up to almost everyone, ask a very deep question or simply say something really confusing yet logical. So i pretty much just shock people into freindship. They're like, "hey shes weird and is probably insane, I should hang around her to see how crazy she can become".

If you add the weird social "skills" plus low confidence in general, you get... A person who is very, very, scared of losing their close friends. With this type of person moving sucks and introducing your freinds to your best freinds just for them to become extremely close in like two weeks also sucks. Just ignore how specific that last thing was.

As you know, depending where you are of course, its getting close to summer break or at least the end of the year. Which, with all the horrible problems I've listed, you'd think I'd be excited to finish the school year. Which I am just not... Fully.

You see: I veiw finishing the school year like finishing a book you really, really enjoyed. While you are excited and happy that you've finished it. Not to mention, how acomplished you feel. It also sucks because now its done, over, finished. You're now probably going to just take the story and shove it to the back of your mind and eventually forget about it.

I could continue to ramble about how much I dislike school but its late (technically early 'cause its now 4:03 am) and there is probably at least twenty errors... So... er... Good bye.

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