A Lando Calrissian Fanfiction

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People aren't always what they seem. One weird sentence and they can change in a person's eyes forever. Take my co-worker Daniel. Male, angry eyebrows, thick black hair and a scruffy beard. Talking about the new Han Solo movie and how my friend won't watch it because it isn't  Harrison Ford. Which wouldn't make sense, for the record. 

Me: "Lando Calrissian could charm the pants off of anyone."

Daniel sighs and looks down longingly at his broom and dustpan: "Yeah." Oh. Okay. It's only a little weird considering that he has a wife and child at home but still, I don't think I'll forget about it.

That's how the little venture of my story started. Writing about the bromance that is Lando and Han on a computer at school. I happily report that it is summer break and the only people here are the people with enough money to afford summer classes. It's about 2 a.m. in the 24-hour room where people go either to study or to sleep or watch K-Drama or play video games. No one has walked in since 10:30 so I'm pretty much alone. I was taking a little break to do some more background research on my specimens when I hear the beep of the door open. 

"Wikipedia, don't fail me now," I said aloud. I heard a chuckle from behind me and I smiled to myself as the person sat down a chair over from me.  Silence and the clack of keyboards follow.

"Landonis is Lando's real name. That's hilarious. Just remove two letters and his name is Adonis," I whispered quietly to myself. A minute passes.

"Who's 'Lando'? Isn't that the name Peter uses in Family Guy to make the kids give up the toad?" Shit. I'm being spoken to. Do I show off my superior nerd knowledge by telling this human all I know about Lando or do I ignore it?  But how can he not know who Lando is? Hasn't everyone seen Episode IV, V,  and VI? And who wouldn't know the iconic scene between Han and Leia in Cloud City when Han is about to be frozen in carbonite?  Of course, all of these thoughts flew through my head at an exhaustive speed that I had to take a deep breath before replying. Superior intellect always wins out. Teaching moment. I continued to stare at my computer screen while answering.

"Yeah. Family Guy uses the name 'Lando' as a pop-culture reference to the Star Wars movies. Lando is the smooth-talking, charming former smuggler who Han Solo won the Millenium Falcon from in a card game." If they ask for more, I will continue. Quit while you're ahead.

"Ah, I've never seen those movies before. I hear they're good but I don't know if I'm ready for that kind of commitment." I gasped loudly, if not a little dramatically, and finally looked over at the person who was speaking to me. I had never seen a more striking person in all my life, and I have seen multitudes of beautiful people, in movies and real life. Sitting across from me, leaning over in interest was a person with thick, wavy, shoulder-length blonde hair, a long face, a silver nose ring, and warm, brown eyes. He was neither skinny nor fat and had broad shoulders. I was dazzled and had to blink a few times to get my bearings.

"How many episodes of Family Guy have you seen?" I asked, squinting and squishing my face accusingly.

"Eight seasons." Small gasp.

"Have you ever seen Lord of the Rings before?"  He took a second.

"Bits and pieces." Medium gasp.

"Ever read Harry Potter? Seen Doctor Who? Listened to K-Face Rules?"

"Nope." Large, dramatic gasp. I got up and plopped down in the seat next to him. I reached out my hand toward his face but did not touch him.

"What have you been doing with your life? What kind of life have you known? You poor, innocent creature. At least tell me you've seen something from the '80s. The Princess Bride or The Breakfast Club?"

"Are these all pre-requisites to something? I feel like there's a class that I haven't taken."

"My dear boy," I whispered dramatically, "You are missing a whole nother world."

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