At last I'm free from this hellhole for today even though I have to come back tomorrow,it's atleast over for now.

The happiness was short lived when I realise Silvia wasn't there to drop me home,and I remember Amy telling me that she got detention for not submitting the project today.So it's me all alone.


As I was walking towards the parking lot I see a poster it says there is an art competition next week and anyone can participate.The prize is four days Itinerary to Albany,Denmark and Walpole.

Wow okay that's amazing,I always loved painting.I remember last summer my sister and me trying to paint together but ended up making a huge mess.She wouldn't listen to me.

So I thought why not take part in it,I saw that it was next Wednesday at 9:30am.Oh and it's during the school hours.

That'll will be great,I should probably go home and start researching about the project and maybe even practice a little bit of painting.

Just thinking about it brings a smile on my face and I start heading home.

You know that feeling when you want to forget about the world and just relax in your bed for the entire day.

That's what I'm feeling like right now,it's Saturday and I'd done pretty good research on the project yesterday,I also had practised a little painting today morning.So I was living my life with complete freedom.

That was until Silvia barged into my room.I considered just pretending to be asleep but when I saw her face I knew something had gone wrong.

She was muttering something along the lines-'I don't need him'-'why would he even-'.I couldn't hear what she was saying,I needed her to calm down a little.

I got up from the bed,stood in front of her

"Hey calm down,What happened?"I asked

She stopped moving and stared at me,she didn't say anything for an entire minute then she signed and sat on my bed, tugging at her hair in frustrating.

"What's wrong?"I tried again to get her to speak.

"Can I get a glass of water"she asked,I nodded and went downstairs to get her some water.

When I came back she was sitting in the same position,I passed her the glass,she gulped it down in one go.

I sat next to her hoping she would tell me what happened.

"It's my dad.."she trailed off

It just took a word from her to make me understand why she was so frustrated.

Silvia's dad was an alcoholic,he used to come home drunk every night.He never laid a finger on Silvia or her sister but their mother had a hard time keeping up with an abusive husband.So her mom made a decision to run away leaving her two kids to deal with a drunk father.Silvia was twelve when all this happened and when she realized her mom ran away she blamed her father for all of it,she thought maybe just maybe he would stop drinking but it got worse,he started bringing home a lot of women to pleasure himself and when Silvia couldn't take it anymore and asked him to stop,he threw her and her sister out of the house.

Yes he did that

Now they live with their grandmother,their dad doesn't know and doesn't care.

"Do you wanna speak about it?"I ask

"He came back today,he wants us to forgive him for all the shit he put us through,he left us alone for all these years and now when we're finally happy,he comes back to ruin all of it"with each word she spoke she gets more and more angry.

"That's not even the worse.."she pauses"Alec brought him here"she said.

"WHAT?why would he do that?"I ask,I thought Alec was better than that.

"I don't know,He's trying to talk to me but I don't wanna be anywhere near him.What was he even thinking?"She says and looks up at me.She's holding back a lot of emotions right now and I'll be there for her throughout all of this.

"What did your grandmother say?"I ask her.

Her grandmother is one of the sweetest person I've met but I know how bad it gets when she's angry.

Silvia laughed"She straight off kicked him out of the house and told him if he ever tries to come close to us she will cut off his balls"

I give her a smile,One of the reasons Silvia is so strong is because of her grandmother.

"You know if you don't fell safe there you can always stay here"I tell her.

"No,it's fine,I just needed to speak to someone about this or I would go killing anything in my way and knowing gran,she's probably sharpening her knife right now"she says trying to lighten the mood.

I give her a tight hug and just as I'm about to give her a long,deep, inspirational speech ,the door busts open.

What's wrong with everyon trying ripe of the door from the frame.

"Wassup bitches,heard you were having fun without me"Amy says jumping on bed with her hands crossed behind her head.

I just roll my eyes,and Silvia throws a pillow at her to shut her up.

"Hey,stop hurting me"Amy whines

"Shut up Amy"I tell her

"You know I'm such an amazing friend,even though you guys left me alone to have fun,I bought some..CUPCAKES..!! they're downstairs"she said.Silvia stared at her

"I was the one who brought cupcakes ,my grandmother made it today morning before he came"she said to which Amy sat up looking confused.

"Who's he?"she asked

"My dad"Silvia answers and after explaining why Silvia was here and everything to Amy we head downstairs to eat cupcakes and watch a movie.


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