Chapter one: Crashed

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So I just want to say that this is my first story, so I'm fine with criticism but please don't scream at me. I haven't read anyone else's mermaid AU stories so I had no guidelines. I wrote this story a while back but was unsure if I should upload it. Now I am so here you go. Hope you like it!


As I struggle to keep my head above the water, part of the plane wreckage is falling towards me and my only hope of survival was to duck beneath the waves.
         once I do, I see a glistening ruby tail. I wonder if my eyes have fooled me. I swim towards it oblivious to the fact I need air until I open my mouth to call out to the creature and feel my lungs filling with water.As  I started to slip out of consciousness, I saw the red creature again. I realized that it was no beast, but a girl.
          She had a long, sparkling red tail. She swam closer, and even with my waning vision, I could make out her long, dark hair, fanned out around her head like a halo. In this light, it seemed to shine a dark blue, the color of midnight. When my eyes found her face, I instantly because transfixed by her stunning blue bell eyes, illuminated by the few rays of light the dared to shine beneath the waves.
        I could see that behind the bright shine of her eyes, there was sadness, I could not help but wonder why. My vision was becoming fainter, and as her dainty hands clasped my waist, I blacked out
         I awoke on a vast beach, surrounded by people. One stood out, he seemed to be the leader. It was a man, he stood a head taller that the rest of the group. He walked out to meet me, and I could see in his eyes he was a kind man. He stood in front of me and offered his hand, which I gladly excepted and he pulled me to my feet. "What is your name young man?"
He smiled kindly at me as I brushed sand off my pants I finish and look up at him. "Adrien."


Did you guys like it? Comment and tell me if you enjoyed it! I dunno how often I will update so please be  patient. Thanks for giving my story a chance!  

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