I Wonder how long I can make chapter names before they tell me to stop doing dis

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(In case you can't read)Lance: you guys are going down!Allura: neverPidge: >:3

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(In case you can't read)
Lance: you guys are going down!
Allura: never
Pidge: >:3

(Next scene)
Shiro: what are you guys doing?
(In the distance)
Pidge: get ready to get your butts kicked!
Allura: I'd like to see you try gremlin!
Hunk: yeah get fu-
Lance: HUNK!
(Next scene)
Shiro: wha-?

(Next scene)
Shiro: What the fu-
Keith: unholy screeching
Lance: Keith!?
Hunk: huh?
Pidge: Holy shit-
(Next scene)

Shiro: contemplating life
Alurra: quiznack!
Hunk: oh god!
Lance: yeet
Pidge: Space dad! No!

(Next scene)
Keith: I win
Pile: collective groan
Allura: fuck you violent mullet child

(Next scene)Keith: I winPile: collective groanAllura: fuck you violent mullet child

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