3. accompany me

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the pic above is from tumblr creds to the owner

Changkyun's pov

I signed the contract, I signed the bloody kinky contract. I took a deep breath and look down to my lap, fingers fiddling with each other.

"You feel burdened?", Hyungwon looked up at me, eyes filled with concern. "Uh no, I'm okay with it master".

"Great then"

"Are you a virgin though?"

Am I a virgin? That question kept lingering in my head. Absolutely not, even though I'm only 19 I've been in previous relationships before that requires my absence of virginity.

"No, I'm not a virgin", I answered. Master looked at me with slightly disappointed eyes. He mouthed out a coherent 'Oh' as an answer.

"Alright thank you for cooperating with me in this meeting, I hope you obey me well Im Changkyun"

"I hope I won't disappoint you in the future master"

"Good boy"


Third person's pov

Hyungwon decided to take Changkyun out to eat lunch together. It was not hot nor cold for the weather as it was almost spring. The sun was shining brightly outside and the wind was breezy. Hyungwon and Changkyun decided to sit at the outside of the restaurant beside the road but still further away from any cars driving there.

Changkyun sat opposite to Hyungwon. The main reason why Hyungwon brought the younger outside on a 'date' simply because he wanted to know the younger better, no doubt he was completely attracted to the younger, I mean who wouldn't, the younger was the cutest thing Hyungwon has ever laid eyes on. For the whole damn time he was staring at Changkyun, taking in every inch of his beautiful features. He looks so much like a puppy, Hyungwon thought.

During the 'date', the couple got to know each other better, they shot back questions to each other every now and then, they were never bored, it was like they were meant for each other and Changkyun found out that behind Hyungwon's handsome face, lies a humorous side of him. Hyungwon was in awestruck whenever Changkyun laughs he swears Changkyun was the most beautiful when he laughs.

"So can I ask how old are you?", the younger shot the older a question.

"I'm 25 this year", Changkyun almost choked on his pasta.

"You look younger than I expected master"

"Ah please don't call me master when we're outside", Hyungwon chuckled. "And yes thank you for that you look older than 18 like you look mature"

"Is it because I have a resting bitch face?"

"No, I think it's because you have a resting cute face"

The younger blushed.


The couple walked hand in hand on their way back to Hyungwon's car. Hyungwon was the first to interlock his hand into Changkyun's but the younger didn't mind he thought it was a friendly gesture, or so he thought.

Whenever the both of them hang out, Hyungwon always drives the car instead of his driver because he wanted to be with Changkyun alone and spend more time with the younger.


It was night, and Hyungwon was bored to death in his bed alone. He thought of hanging out with Changkyun maybe watch a movie with  him maybe do something intimate with him just maybe. He craved for the younger's presence ever since the younger step foot in this house, he liked being around him he felt attracted to him like a magnet with opposite poles.

"Butler Namjoon, can you bring Changkyun to my room?"

"Yes master, I will bring him", the tall dimply male nodded as he made his way to Changkyun's room.

Changkyun was fast asleep in his room, it was 12 a.m. Changkyun woke up when he heard knocks from his door and proceeded  to what the butler asked him to do since he couldn't disobey the orders in this house or else he would be severely punished.

"Master, Changkyun is here"

Hyungwon looked at Changkyun with excited eyes but Changkyun was bracing himself up walking towards Hyungwon he was barely awake, he was still groggily rubbing his eyes.

"Let's watch a movie together", Hyungwon chirped while sitting criss crossing on his bed same goes for Changkyun.

"Sure master"

They proceeded to watch the movie, 'The Mean Girls', it was Hyungwon's third time watching the movie and he was 10 minutes in deep into the movie when Changkyun's head fell on Hyungwon's shoulder. Hyungwon's heart was beating fast but at the same time he felt betrayed because Changkyun slept on this movie, this iconic movie.

Hyungwon tickled the younger's sides and Changkyun immediately fell backwards onto the bed. The younger was laughing he was indeed very ticklish. Hyungwon got on top of the younger to tickle him more aggressively.

"Hahahaha, stop master please stop I can't take it"

"How dare you sleep on me and this iconic movie"

"I'm sorryy hahahha ahh please stop"

And Hyungwon stopped, there he realised he was on top of the younger, they were both frozen, both engulfing each other's features in this dimly lit room, no sounds could be heard only the sound of the television and the sound of their hearts beating rapidly in sync loudly.

Hyungwon was staring down at Changkyun, thinking how he would be the luckiest man if Im Changkyun could be his, he just wanted to kiss him, take everything the younger would offer to him. Hyungwon caressed the younger's cheeks affectionately.

"Can I kiss you Im Changkyun?"

woooo it's getting hot in here, hey it's me ze author, I just wanted to say that I'll be going to uni next month, and i'll be majoring in English huhu hopefully my English will improve by then, wish me luck

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