I just killed myself writing this/Hope you enjoy;)

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As Tony turned from the tired looking Peter, and laid eyes on Mantis with the weird alien lightbulbs, he realised, it was to late. Visions mindstone had been taken, and it was too late to save the lives of his friends. As she slowly turned to dust, Tony noticed that Drax began to do the same. Soon, they were both gone. He quickly made eye contact with Quill, whom he only knew as Star Lord, and could easily tell what the man was thinking. 'Oh hell naw' He was gone as well.
"There was no other way" he heard the voice of Stephen Strange, turned to him, and looked him in the eyes one last time, before he too disappeared. Mad and annoyed over Stranges choice about the timestone, he heard a far from confused voice. The poor Peters voice was shaking, scared, terrified. You could hear that the boy knew what was going to happen. Tony realised; the spidey sense. He quickly turned to the boy, to try to calm him down, try to get him not to worry. To try to convince that it was okay. The young boys voice not only was terrified, it was terrifying to listen to. "Mr. Stark. Sir. I don't, I don't feel so good." Peter threw himself in the arms of Tony. No, not threw. Fell. Unlike the others, he moved. He tried to use his feet, that had already disappeared. He clinched his arms around Tony's neck, trying to stay alive. "I don't know what's happening. Please sir, I don't wanna go. I don't wanna go. Please l, sir..." Lying on the dead ground of Titan, the 16 year old Peter Parker, the neighbourhood Spider-Man, took his last breath, said his last word, before he too disappeared into the wind, as dust, in the arms of Tony Stark, the man he saw as his father, his mentor. Him he believed could protect him. But in the end, he couldn't, he failed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 28, 2018 ⏰

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