The skellies

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It started to rain half way to your house. You groaned. "Why did it have to rain nooooow"  you whined. You began to run, something that you hated doing in the rain, because you felt like you could slip at any moment. You arrived at your house and knocked on the door. "Rini! It's  (Y/N)! Open up!'' You yelled. Then a short, young girl with brown hair with purple and blue at the bottom opened the door. The girls hair was in an updo. "Ah! There you are! I was worried sick!" Rini exclaimed, backing out of the doorway so you could enter. "What's in the box?" Rini asked, standing on the tips of her toes. You laughed. "You won't believe it 'til you see it! You said, putting the box on the couch. Rini peaked inside, then squealed. "THEY ARE SO CUTE!" Rini exclaimed. They were asleep, and Rini's outburst woke them up.  Blueberry peaked its head outside the box. When blueberry saw them he was so startled, he fell back into the box. Rini looks back into the box, the skellies were looking suspiciously up at her. "Hello down there!" Rini exclaimed, giving them a :3 face. Blueberry seemed to trust her. "Hello there human!" Blueberry exclaimed, trying to climb out the box. Rini giggled and picked him up. "Look (Y/N) Chan! Isn't he cute?!" Rini exclaimed, holding blueberry up. "Yep!" You said, giggling. Rini put blueberry down, then peaked into the box. "Heeeey wait, I wanna chance" You exclaimed. Rini pulled her head away. "Sorry!" She exclaimed. You look into the box, then you face palm. "I should just take them out of the box!'' you exclaim. Your right eye glows (Soul Color), and the skeletons were lifted out of the box. One was wearing basket ball shorts with a white shirt, and a blue coat. Another looked exactly like that, but his clothes were all white, and he wore a red scarf. The next one wore a black cloak, and had a tiny scythe.


Okay the sanses are classic, blueberry, geno, reaper, dream, nightmare, kid sans, horror and fell


"Who are you guys and why are we here?!" Fell, the edgy one barked. "Well I found you in a box, in an alleyway, and decided to take you home'' You said, giving the smol edgy bean a closed eye smile. Rini then picked up Fell. "I like this one! He's cool!" She exclaimed. "Heeeey! Put me down poop-head!" Fell yelled at Rini. Rini had tears in her eyes and she put fell down. "Oh Rini, you're such a crybaby..." You mumbled, patting Rini's head. 


Plz don't hate me  because I added myself! I just thought it would make things more interesting!

You guys are a handful! (Bitty! Sanses x Motherly! Skeleton! ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now