rant- (very gay 🏳️‍🌈)

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Hey everybody so uh clearly this isnt a poem but i really want to rant and its not sad or filled with anger it has happy thoughts and gay stuff. So yea don't read if you dont want to but pls comment if you relate.
Do you ever have a crush on someone of the same sex and you dont know if they are straight???
Like i like this girl and shes in my class and ah she like really pretty and i help her she is so sweet and kind hearted i do hear some stuff about her around school and that irks my nerve cuz like "um no dont you dare talk about my girl friend like that" but i cant say that cuz im not out at school and we arent together. Only a couple of my friends know about this crush. But omg she's the bests and gah like holy moly how can she be so so perfect. But I don't even know if she's part of the lgbt community I think she supports us tho cuz we had a day of silence for the lgbt people at school and she didn't say any lgbt slurs or say anything bad she was interested in it
But bleh I don't know her sexuality I think she's straight but idk cuz she told me one time she had a crush on a boy then she asked who I like and my gay ass was like "oh um I uh I don't like anyone really" and my mind is going like "bitch you lyin yo gay ass likes her and you can't deny it hahaha" and I'm basically having a gay old time in my head but on the outside I'm like "I'm as straight as a ruler *sweats nervously*  but anyone does anyone else relate to this pls tell me if you do.

UPDATE: So I'm currently out of regular school meaning I don't have any classes with her and that really sucks cuz I want to be able to help her and just laugh with her but if I'm being completely honest I don't think she even knows I go to summer school with her and let me tell y'all I like to think I'm a kind-ish person so when I see her passing me by in the hallways  I always smile but she doesn't I'm hoping maybe she doesn't see me but anyway I just really needed to get that off my chest and stuff but like pls anyone tell me if you relate to any of this
And as alway I love you all so much and I'll talk to you all next time i update something
Love you all 💝

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