Hailey is an 18 year old who moved to Cali to follow her dreams of being a photographer. What happenes when she some how becomes InRealLifes photograper?? Will she fall for one of the guys? And will there be some new friendships made read to find ou...
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Hailey_Photos: I'm happy to say that I am now officially the new photographer for the band InRealLife! I also finally got to meet them they are the most amazing guys I have ever met and they are very cute! But Chance is even cuter😏 I will also be going on tour with them so get ready for all the amazing pictures! Tagged|| InRealLife, Chance, Brady, Sergio, Michael, Drew
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InRealLife: we are so happy that you are our photographer we can't wait to make so many memories with you and get amazing pictures as well!
Chance: Hailey it was so much fun meeting you and may I just say that you are even cuter!😍
Username1: ummmmm do I see maybe a new ship coming in🤔🤔 @Chnace @Hailey_Photos
Brady:it was so fun meeting you Hailey! And @username1 your not the only one that sees a new ship coming bc I do to I started shipping them the day Chance saw her picture!
Username3: now that there is possibly a romance being made who is gonna be Hailey's Bestfriend!
Drew: @Username3 me and @Brady have been fighting eachother over who gets to he Hailey's best friend!
Hailey_Photos: awe @Drew and @Brady you both all my BFFs💕
A/N this was so random😂 but I promise there will be POVs soon!