Chapter 5.

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Hay guys so this next shout out is 4 yate38

U r amazing n one of my best friends.


PROV Airanna

It was my fault. over and over again I told my self that I didn't kill her, that the vampires we lying. They always lie.

"Baby what do you mean" Kyle spook up. Oh god. What will Kyle think. Wait, why do I even care. I know about the mate thing but I can't be his mate. I mean I killed someone, surly that changes shit.

"I. umm." taking a deep breath. I stated to explain.

"When I was 12..."

Flash Back

Chained to the blood stained wall. The rusted nail tight chains that held my numb limb in place, my body sagging to the floor like a deflated balloon. A scram was brought to my ears, piercing them with its high frequency. This was nothing new. There was always screaming down in the depth of the dungeon, but it was the fact that the child was brought to my cage, that interested me. I was the only one how was held in this cage. She was younger then most of the other prisoners. 7 maybe. I couldn't quit tell, I knew she was scared. By her hole body shaking, to her teeth chartering. She was terrified.

The vampire that bounded her arms, brought her in chaining her to the other set of rotted steel chains that lay opposite to mine. He kidded her once in the ribs before walking out.

The blood stained girl with ruby red eyes begin to cry. I have never in my life seen someone with red eyes. Well there aren't many people in here to see sooo.

As she looked up her eyes locked to mine noticing that someone was with her.

"You're eyes. There purple." she gasped.

"Yes and yours are red" I snapped. I hate it here, and I didn't want to get close. People will all ways betray you.that or just die. My fucken parents did both.

"Sorry" she mumbled.

"It's fine. How old are you" I asked, I couldn't figure it out.

"6" her voices tinny like the buzzing of bees.

"If you want to live, listen carefully. they keep us here and once a week they let us out to feed us. We have to earn our feed. You can do this any way u want but most people dances or sing, things like this. If you don't please them you don't get feed. They do." I wasn't lying I have seen what they do and no one should see and live through it, let alone go through them self.

"Thank you" she said her voices teary.


Sunday Night/Feeding


2 days have past and in though two days I have found out that Angailna was very good at jazz and gymnastics. I also found out how she got here. How she saw the vampires rip her mothers throat out.

It felt weird to talk to someone while chained to the wall, it didn't stop her though. I guesses talking made her feel better.

As the gates opened. Angailna wait right still her faces draining of what little colour it had left. They went for me first.

"You gonna do your dances again. You now how we love you're dancing baby girl. Or will sing for us. you know you're performances are the best. The only reason you're still here." he whispered, his breath smelling of decay and rotting iron.

He unchained my num arms and legs. I sat waiting on the damp floor, weather wet from blood or water I was unsure of, for them to unchain Angailna.

I was scared out of my mind, my soul screaming with the urge to run. To save my self but I couldn't. I wouldn't leave a 6 year old girl to die. No matter how many time I was beaten, bitten and bleeding.

Angailna ran over to me as soon as she was free, she held tight to my side as I slowly stood up. The vampire clearly amused by her actions.

"I won't let you die. I'll protect you" I promise to help substances her shaking.

We waited in the room with all the other 214 female slave all pushed together. Angailna hiding under my arm. slowly one by one the group got smaller until there were 10 of us left including Angailna and I.

You always knew when some died. it was there blood curltling screamed to the sound of limb ripping. 98 were now dead.

"Next" called a vamp. Angailna clung to me tighter as she was next.

"I don't want to" she stated to sob"

"Just do you're dances you'll be fine" I replied as we stated to walk to the door.

"Hurry up!" I screamed the vamp as he and 6 others came pushing in. Shit! They were never patient creatures.

With Angailna Hudson behind me I was the only thing stoping them from getting at there pray.

"Do. Not. Touch. Her." I screamed as they reached out. in though two days I had became very proactive of her, and no one will hurt her.

They didn't listen as they reached closer. I don't know what happen but I lost it. they were sent back flying against the wall. so hard that they smashed their heads and died insanely.

The air around us was sparking like a light, getting thinker as my angry grew. I heard screams from the other females that were left in the room and knew they were dead.

"Anna" screamed Angailna. I turned to see that more vampires have entered the room, one of them holding Angailna in a death grip.

The thick air was to much as the household took on fire. you could here popping. Popping of heads as vampires fell to he ground headless. Blood and and chucks of there broken skulls could be found on the walls and ceiling.

Only one was left the one that held Angailna, but she was gone I couldn't see her as the last vampire dropped to the ground.

"Angailna. Angailna! Where are you" I screamed searching in the blood red flames. The heat making the pools of blood look thicker.

I finally found her blood stained body in a conner. Dead.

"I'm sorry"

End Of Flash Back

"They vampires found me with her body. I hade clasped from the smoke. I was the only one that lived though the fire. the slaves were gone and so was Angailna. They took me to their territory and said it was my fault and it was. I killed her, the slaves and though fealty vampires and I didn't even touch them." I was crying so bad by the end. My words a blabbering masses.

Kyle took me in his arms, as he let me cry even after I killed all though people.

I kept crying until I slowly fell asleep all the while Kyle whispered in my ear. Saying it wasn't my fault. But was. It is.

I killed all though people and I felt good, better then I ever had.


So longer chapter, I think. Let me know if u like and be updating soon. Thanks 4 reading.

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