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"Jess I saved a seat for you next to me" Bryn yelled. I hopped up on the bus and walked to the back. Bryn and I discussed our homework. My stop soon came and I got off.

"Jessy Jesse sweets come fast" my nanny yelled.

My partners are two famous actors they fly all over doing films and shoots and famous stuff. My mom didn't go back to work until I was 6 and we got my nanny Rose.

" What Ro" I asked?

" You Mom and Dad had a deadly flight it crashed at about 5pm. your the last of the crew to know. the reading of the will is at 9:30 tomorrow morning." she whimpered. I nodded and headed up the stairs.

I have 5 older sibling Rose calls us the crew. Kyle is oldest. he's 25 he moved to Australia and became a surfer. fits with his long shaggy blond hair and his baby blue eyes.

Then Peyton she's 23. she moved to LA to be an actor like mom. She has short red hair and blue eyes. The odd one.

Next the twins Gabe and Gill they are 21. They have short brown hair they are identical so ya.They live in a small town in Alabama.both married and gills wife is pregnant.

Jillian or Jill is 20. She looks like Kyle. Long blond hair and the blue eyes. She moves out to NYC as soon as he could to be come a model.

Last me Jessica Ryan Pedal. Or Jess the youngest one of 6 a rich orphan.

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