chapter one // hidden in the crowd

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living without happiness is like living under the ocean,
it's dark and cold,
with no one to sit by your side,
no matter what happens it's always you,
and then just a sea of vast unk-

"Dev! You're going to miss the bus! Hurry up, Honey!" Her mom's voice cut through the silence Devyn was basking in.

It had been a long 3 months of summer vacation with nothing to do but sit in her room and imagine herself in the endless worlds that her books brought
her too. Anywhere but here in the real world was fine with Devyn. She didn't have many friends, correction, she didn't have any friends. So, when no one called or texted to make summer plans, it didn't come as a surprise to Devyn. Now she was forced to go back to the hell that's also known as school where she would either be made fun of or ignored.

"Coming, mom!" She called back to her mother, who was already out the door. The door slammed behind her mother which gave her an ultimatum, she could either get down the stairs and in the car or she'd be stuck finding her own way to school. Of course, her mom trying to be mean or neglect her, she just had to get to work. Her mother works so hard to make up for two parents and to be able to give Devyn everything she needs.

Devyn decided that getting a ride from her mother was better then no ride at all. She pulled on a pair of paint splattered jeans and a white shirt. She then walked over to the shoe bin and grabbed the first pair of shoes that actually had a correct matching pair, Purple Converse.

"Close enough." Devyn thought and she proceeded to walk out the door.

Most girls would spend hours upon hours picking out their first day of school outfits to impress the school's quarterback or to bring light to the fact that they are the best of the best. Devyn didn't see what all the hype was about. Whether you went to school in a skimpy top and shorts that showed way to much or a long sleeve shirt and dirty jeans, school was still hell.

"Did you grab your lunch?" Her mom askes as soon as she sat down in the passenger seat of their old, grey mini van that sort of smelled like a McDonald's if you asked Devyn.

"Yes, mom."

"Did you brush your teeth?"


"Did you remember your summer reading books?"


"Did you-"

"Okay, I think that's enough of an interrogation for today, mom."

"I'm sorry, Honey, I just really want to make sure this school year is great." By great she meant different and exciting which entails actually making friends, dating boys and going to parties. This was not Devyn's cup of tea.

"Remember you start your new job at the animal shelter after school today."

"Thanks, mom." With that Devyn kisses her mother's cheek and slams the car door shut.

Devyn takes a few steps before realizing she left her poetry book in her mom's car.

"Mom! I forgot my poetry book!" She chases after her mother's car as a circle of girl's snicker behind her.

After running a total of one mile, Devyn finally catches her mother at a red light. Devyn bangs on the window until her mother's face is fully visible.

"I forgot my poetry book."

"So you decided to run a marathon to get it?" Her mother questions. Devyn ignites her mother and proceed to reach through the duck taped up window and pulls out her beloved poetry book.

"Thanks mom. I gotta go before I get detention for being late! Love you!"

Devyn was not in any way, shape or form an athlete so when she arrives back at school, naturally, she is covered from head to toe in sweat. This causes the same crowd of girls to burst into laughter. Just to make matters worse, the bell rings at that moment. She was officially late on her first day of school.

Author's Notes:

Hey guys! This is the first chapter of  A Million Things I Want To Tell Him! I hope you enjoyed!

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⏰ Last updated: May 29, 2018 ⏰

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