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Chapter Seven: were are you....

Austin's POV

"When I was only sixteen I feel in love with a woman who I met at a campsite for rich people, I was with a friend who was at this site specifically for a family reunion. The only problem was because of the feelings I have towards her clearly set her off. When I first met her she acted nice and almost seemed to like me, but the second time I saw her she acted like she never met me before and after I called her out on it she made this lie that sounded so casual and fake. Because of this I asked her out and let it go but soon after that it seemed almost repetitive and strange, and I decided I've had enough. I said to myself that the next time I saw her I would warn her, and if it continued I would start my Revenge. Later that evening I ran into another girl named Amber. She was really cute and funny I thought I might have a chance, and hey I didn't think the other one liked me anyways. Me and Amber Really hit it off, then the girl showed up. I didn't know what to do, she looked hurt I told Amber To wait and I would be back soon. I told her sorry and I told her that I didn't think she felt that way about me, but she started running. I caught up to her and tackled her, she started screaming. I couldn't just let her tell people about me, I just met possibly the love of my life. I decided to hide her in a old tree house over by the water, and talk to her later. When I got back Amber Was gone, and the only thing I wanted was revenge. There was only one person to blame, I walked back to the tree house. It was surprisingly cold and as I got closer I heard a big cracking sound, soon after a splash and a ground shaking thud. I started running, when I arrived there was police, people, reports, and Amber . I hid to figure out that I would do about it, and I would probably hear about it later, but I didn't. I finally decided to look at it for myself and when I came back the next morning there was no one there. The tree was still in the water, the treehouse was still in the water, and there was blood mixed with water. I walked up to the edge of the water, dived into the lake, and swam in to the window. It was hard to see with the red tinted water and as my eyes adjusted I saw what I feared most Amber. I realized that I killed a person because of the fear of them hurting me after I hurt them. I hurt them... I killed them... I did it all for someone I will never see again... It was all my fault. I pitied myself and for that I also never got over what I had done. I keep looking through the house and I started losing air but I realized she wasn't dead, but I couldn't let her go she would rat me out. So back to square one one trying to hide her again and not get in trouble. I started contacting "friends" to help me and pretty soon I had a abandoned building and a gang. Things where ok but as I got deeper into hiding my secrets I had to keep other peoples secrets too, my anxiety was out of control to the point where my "friends" didn't trust me so they sold me out and they said if I were to do the same that they would kill me and all my sins would follow me to hell. So I ended up in jail for the second time, but I escaped after some random tattoo guy tried to ass rape me. One of the most unbelievable experience that I have ever encountered, but after that I've been though it all. I missed her and I never found the gang or the secrets again, they had her and most of all they had me. I was all alone in a crime sene that I wasn't apart of, it makes me sick to think I trusted the most untrustworthy people. I needed revenge to become sane again. I couldn't stop thinking that everything was my fault and every now and then there fault. I soon found out where they were and what they were doing and how easily they could blame me for everything again. I made friends with one of the prisoners, she soon helped me and my plan was in motion. This was all before I saw her, but surprisingly no scars like before. After awhile I soon became in control and took out all who has harmed me. I was the leader of the operation, I release all of the girls that helped me and in return they keep their mouths shut because they knew I killed all of the bad people. As for the ones who refused to help me weren't my friend, and soon I started finding out big and tough peoples secrets and got a new army. They all some what trusted me, but I didn't trust them. After they realized I never said anything about my past or any of my secrets, the army grew small and only the ones who understood some secrets are ment to be kept to yourself stayed. The girl that was from my past I never faced Intel she started following orders and doing what was told, the strange thing is that there was two of them.

Daniel's POV

We kept looking through the paperwork to see if there was anymore new clues. Nothing different except for the report and a question of who put it there. There was to much to figure out, and when I checked my email I found out where we all were sleeping....


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