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"my words, my smile, and my eyes are the trilogy to my facade.

they tell the world that everything is fine and that everything always has been,

when in reality, my heart has been hardened to stone, my eyes cry endless tears, and my words reflect the fear I feel.

my expressions hardly range, worried they might accidentally reveal the truth,

everyday, it becomes harder to keep everything inside, and one day i know it will slip.

how much longer can I keep up my facade?

that was facade, thank you."

She left the stage with a small nod and a tight smile on her face. She was mesmerizing, to say the very least. Hearing her speak took him somewhere he couldn't describe, to a place like no other. Once she left the stage, he released the breath he didn't know he was holding and turned back to his friends. "Are you good?" Matt asked from across the small table. The boy smiled and nodded, "yeah, i just-" he quickly looked back to the empty stage, " yeah i'm good."

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