They Don't Know About the I Love You's - Part 2

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"New Couple Alert?? For the past few months, it's been speculated that Y/N and Harry Styles are the new hot couple at the moment, however, the two constantly would claim to be just friends. Last night the two were seen out for a late dinner together, holding hands, and sharing some intimate close-ups throughout the night. Perhaps all those months of being just friends, the two have decided to give this more than friends a try."

You wake up when you feel the sun coming through the window. You turn around to face Harry, who was still sleeping. You lean over giving him a little kiss on the nose, causing him to scrunch his nose. You giggle quietly, waiting a little bit before kissing his nose again. He groans and brings his hand up to scratch it. You put your hand over your mouth as you let out another giggle.

You wait a bit longer before leaning over to give him another kiss when he scares you by opening his eyes and hovering over you.

"Ah! What are you doing?" You giggle.

"Me? What are you doing?" He laughs. "I'm just trying to sleep and you're trying to feel me up!" He says innocently.

"I was not trying to feel you up." You laugh. "I was simply kissing your nose." You point out.

"You started there, If I wouldn't have woke up, you would have moved down to my ass." He smirks.

"Oh my god, you wish!" You laugh.

He smirks. "Actually..." He says running his hands down your sides. "I wouldn't mind having a little love making time before breakfast." He smirks.

You giggle wrapping your arms around his neck, leaning up to kiss him. He smiles into your lips as he wraps his arms around you. He runs his hands up your shirt before pulling it over your head. He smirks kissing down your neck and onto your chest.

After paying special attention to your chest, he kisses down your stomach and onto your legs. He smirks against your skin as he leaves trails of kisses. It doesn't take long before a gasp leaves your lips and your hands find their way to his hair.

You can feel him smirking as he tries to hold down your hips and sounds come from your lips. However, as you started getting closer, his phone starts ringing.

"Just ignore it." He mumbles. "Not important."

You try to ignore it the best you can, but it just keeps ringing.

"Just answer it." You gasp out.

"Fucking.." He mumbles getting off the bed and reaching for his phone. "It's Niall..." He groans. "I'll call him later." He says silencing his phone.

He gets back on the bed, wrapping his arms around you. "Sorry, love." He says holding you close. "Remind me to kill Niall later." He smirks.

"Aww, don't do that." You giggle.

"He killed the mood, so I'm gonna kill him." He smirks.

"He didn't kill the mood.." You smirk pushing him back against the bed. "Trust me..." You whisper leaning down to kiss him as you straddle him.


A little bit later, you two emerge from the bedroom after you shower and work on cooking up a bit of brunch. You were working on some french toast, while Harry was looking on his phone.

"So, our little date last night is everywhere." He says showing you the pictures with an article.

"Well, I mean we both knew that this would happen." You say. "How do you feel about it?"

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