After the xfactor

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Harry's pov
Okay so we didn't win but we got third but also we are the best boy band in the world and all of fans love us so the winning don't matter to me it's the fact that we have amazing fans and now we are going on the tour with xfactor so that is awesome too we get to perform for all our amazing fans and right now we get a week off and me and Louis have been sharing a hotel room and the others boys have been sharing and so far it's been amazing me and Louis will go on secret dates and it's just been so awesome and our parents and band mates have been so supportive I couldn't have asked for a better life
I heard louis walk into the bathroom as I loose my train of thought
"Are you almost done gosh you take longgg showers" hazza louis says jokingly
"Yea yea I'm coming "I say as I turn the shower off and grab my towel wrapping it around me
"Finally I can take a shower hopefully you didn't use all the hot water" he says jokingly again
"Someone is moody" I say jokingly
"Am I moody am I "he asked stepping closer to me
"Yes the matter of fact you are "I say back proudly
"Just kiss me you fool "he says planting his lips on mine as I lean into the kissing pushing him up on the counter and Louis begins to deepen the kiss as he does that I feel his hand tug at my towel making my buldge throb
"I wouldn't do that unless you want me to take you right here right now "I say looking at him seriously
"Okay okay since we have to leave in like 20 min I will take a shower instead "he says winking at me and I just laugh and walk to get dressed and 20 min later I hear liam barge in
"Let's go love birds it's time to get to the interview "liam says
"Okay we be right down "louis yells from upstairs
A few minutes later we both come down
"Oh finally I thought you guys got into something and would never come down "liam says
"Yea we would of but Harry told me we had to leave in 20 so you got lucky" louis says
"Yea yea whatever let's just go "liam says
As we arrived there fans crowded the entrance Paul helps us shove through them to be able to safely get inside. I stuck super close to Louis trying to stick together so we can sit next to each other. We got inside finally headed toward the seats.
"Okay this is how I want you all lined up "Paul said
"First is Louis next Liam then zayn then Harry then Niall "Paul finished
"What why can't I sit next to Louis "I asked
"Yes I wanna sit next to hazza "Louis pouted
"Because I said so it's for you alls own good." Paul said and left as we took our seats not wanting too
"It's okay Harry I'm still good company Niall" says nudging me jokingly trying to chear me up and I could see Louis get upset when he saw Niall nudging on me I gave him a reassuring smile that it's all good. The interviewer walks in and takes her seat taking to Louis and zayn till the show time was ready to begin.
Okay 3,2..1 action the camera man said
Hello ladies and gentlemen I'm Rhonda hues with ONE DIRECTION!!!
The crowd went wild girls screaming and yelling their favorites out
"It's really great to have you all here I bet this life is just a bit different and crazier than before" she said to us
" yes our lives have changed but we wouldn't go back for a minute our amazing fans have been so great and supportive and our families have been the same you can say we just one big family" Liam started taking charge on the big questions
I kept glancing over to louis that seem to be looking into the crowd.
" so let's get some questions your fans have if that's good for you all" she asked
Yes of course we all replied
"Okay first one anyone got a girlfriend " she asked and I kinda got nervous to what louis will say "let's go down the line starting with Niall" she said
" nope no girl here a single Pringle " he said with a laugh smiling as the girls cheered next was me
" umm no no girlfriend " I say a bit as the crowd cheered a little bit and not looking at louis to throw anything off
" I do she is a great girl and I like her a lot" zany said as some of the girls said awes
" I do not have a girlfriend " louis said with a bit of a said tone some girls cheered yelling his name
" yes I do have a girlfriend and she is pretty amazing " he said as the crowed did some more awes
"Well girls there ya have it three single bachelors" she said with a laugh as the crowd cheered.
—— after the interview —-
"Okay and cut " some guy said as we were lead back stage as the show ended
" thank you boys for coming it was great for ratings " she said as she walked by us
"Okay let's go to the van I'll get y'all our " Paul said as we were lead out and pushed past the fans. I sat next to louis in the back and then Liam in the front and zayn and Niall next to each other.
"You okay" I ask louis
" peachy " he said shrugging me off kinda making me upset that he don't wanna talk to me I know something is wrong. Me and him sat in silence the whole was back to the hotel.
When we arrived he walked in and practically ignored everyone and went to the bathroom. I grabbed my hoodie throwing it over myself and put some sunglasses on and walked out side not saying a word to no one and just went for a run.
Louis POV—-
   I was upset and I though maybe Harry would laugh at me even though I know he wouldn't it's just my way of thinking. I came down stairs after a little while and saw the boys playing the video game but no Harry
" hey you all" I said plopping down next to zayn
" hey you and Harry having fun up there" they asked laughing a bit
" no harry wasn't up there I though he was down here " I said wondering where he was
" so wait Harry isn't with you or us where is he" Liam said a bit worried
They all went around the house yelling Harry checking every room and bath room and no sign of Harry. Did I make him upset where did he go.
" let me call Paul" Liam said As Liam was on the phone I tried to call Harry. No answer after 11 missed calls. I began to freak out a little bit. And zayn could tell.
" hey it's okay we will find him I'm sure he is fine" he said to me making me feel a little better
" thanks zayn " I said to him
" Paul said he hasn't heard anything we suppose to tell him if we go out " Liam said" they gonna go looking for him and told us to stay put" Liam continued saying As we all sat down and tried calling him some more and texting him.
It was about 2 hours later and we heard someone at the door. We all jumped up to see..
Paul walk in and behind him some security guards.
" where's Harry" I asked as I didn't see him following behind them
" we haven't found him yet but these guys gonna stay here and make sure none of you run off after him to look while the others keep searching we will find him I'm sure he just went for a walk or something and forgot to let us know" Paul said as he walked back out leaving us with the two men.
Where is my hazza is all I had on my mind
Harry's POV—
What was I thinking I don't know my way around here and I was running blind I can't seem to make it back to the hotel I'm lost. I accidentally left my phone in the van all I was thinking about was louis. Oh no louis he must be sick to his stomach I know I would be. I kept running trying to find something that looks familiar. It began to get darker and soon I'm gonna have to get someone's help not reaviling who I am. I see two girls sitting at the table next to a coffee shop I come up and make sure I'm not recognizing.
" hey can you help me" I asked them as I pulled my hood back a little. They instantly recognized me and was about to scream when I  stopped them.
"Please don't scream I know I'm Harry but I need help" they nodded not screaming.
" I'm Emily and this is Sara " they said
" nice to meet you two I can't seem to make it back to the Marist hotel do you know where that could be " I asked them hoping they would know
"Yea we do it's a little ways away but we can take you there " she said hoping up grabbing their coffees "this away " she said as I followed them in relief I'll be home to my boo bear here soon.
"So how did you get lost" Sara asked wondering
"Well I went for a run and I guess I forgot I don't know my way around and accidentally left my phone in the van after the interview" I said knowing how stupid I sound
" you have been out here since the interview this morning no wonder you got so far away " she said surprised
"I do really appreciate this help I didn't think I ever get back "
" it is our pleasure and we are just also so happy to meet you and do you think we could meet the others too please!!!" She said
"I don't see why not since you are helping me they be happy to meet some really cool fans " I said as they smiled so happily
It was about an hour we spent talking and having fun they kinda gave me a little tour of the city as we walked and soon I could see the hotel and I was so happy to finally be back. We went through the back of the hotel since fans crowded the front and soon made it to my room. I put the key in and opened the door and the boys jumped up in was so happy to see me and all cane in for a hug.
"Where have you been we was so worried about you" Liam said as the security radioed Paul I was back
" I'm sorry I went for a run and forgot my phone and kinda got lost but these two lovely fans Emily and Sara helped me find my was back " I said as they filled in so excited to meet us all
"They brought back our Harry they hero's " Niall said jokingly bringing them into a big Niall hug as the girls dreams just came true
"Where's louis" I asked as I didn't see him
"He's in y'alls I mean his room" zayn said correcting himself. I walked up the stairs seeing him hugging one of my sweaters and dry tear stains on his cheeks. I walked slowly in crawling into the bed wrapping my arms around him trying not to wake him but I failed and he stirred awake.
"Hazza" he whispered
" yes it's me" I said as he woke up even more
" where'd you go are you okay" he asked sitting up happy to see me
" I went for a run got lost " I said "I thought you was mad at me " I said frowning and turning away not wanting him to see my tears
" why would I be mad at you " he said
" you brushed me off not wanting to talk so I thought I did something wrong " I said to him
"Oh no hazza I'm sorry I was just upset I can't tell the world about the love of my life and was just a bit pissy not at you though " he said reassuring me
" oh boo bear I don't care who knows about us I just want you to know I love you" I said hugging him deeply
" I love you too hazza"he said....
I know it's been years since I updated this story but I lost where I was going with it and had other stories in mind!! But I'm back and hoping to continue and finish this story let me know what you think!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 17, 2020 ⏰

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