Osaka Sogo - Maybe

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[A/N: I intended to post this chapter for Sogo's birthday but unfortunately I lost my draft and had to rewrite. Anyway just for reference: entire line italicized = show's narration]

 Anyway just for reference: entire line italicized = show's narration]

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"Take us MEZZO" and let's run away together!"

"Today we're running away with you to... [Your Restaurant's Name]."

"MEZZO" will try this restaurant's unique and best-selling dessert, the chili ice cream."

"Wow, it's so big." Sogo marveled at the generous serving of ice cream in front of them.

"It looks delicious." Tamaki added.

"Well let's try it." Sogo and Tamaki now took their spoons and scooped some ice cream to taste it.

"It's hot... and cold." Tamaki commented.

"It's sweet... and spicy." Sogo remarked, "This ice cream exudes a paradox of flavors."

"But it's undeniably really good." Tamaki concluded.

"Who would have thought that chili would make a sensational ice cream flavor?"

"For today's runaway comment, So-chan do the honors." He gestured to his partner.

Sogo cleared his throat and made a endearing smile at the camera.

"I wish I could be your chili ice cream that could sweeten and spice up your life."

"So-chan that's it! So hot and so cool!" Tamaki gaved his partner two thumbs up.

"There you have it. I invite everyone to visit [Your restaurant's name] and experience their exceptional cuisine." Sogo wrapped up.

"But before our special episode ends, let's welcome our surprise guest [Last Name] [First Name]-san!" Tamaki ad libbed.

You entered the set carrying a cute birthday cake, covered in light purple fondant and topped with a small chibi Sogo figure and candles and fresh fruit slices, which you baked yourself.

"[Name]-chan?!" The lavender haired man exclaimed in astonishment.

"Happy birthday Sogo! It's been a long time."

"[Last Name]-san is the owner and head chef of [Your restaurant's name]. She is also So-chan's close friend and former bandmate." Tamaki introduced you. "Nice meeting you [Last Name]-neesan."

"Hello everyone!" You cheerily waved at the camera. "It's also nice meeting you Tamaki-kun. Thank you for visiting my restaurant." You also smiled at the tall light blue haired teen while Sogo was evidently surprised and amused by the sight unfolding in front of his eyes.

"Happy birthday So-chan! Blow your candle and make a wish."

"That's right. Today is your special day. Make a wish."

Sogo closed his eyes and made a wish before blowing his candles.

"Happy birthday Sogo/So-chan!" the two of you cheered.

"Thank you so much especially to you Tamaki-kun and [Name]-chan."

You took a slice from the cake and gave it to the light blue haired teen.

"Tamaki-kun why don't you feed the birthday boy some cake?"

"Sure. So-chan say 'aah'." He cut a bite-sized piece from his slice.

Sogo was seemingly embarrassed by your suggestion but decided to do as Tamaki said.

"Waaahh I knew you two look so cute together~" you chuckled, making the duo blush.

"Why not visit [Your restaurant's name] and taste its unique gastronomic concoctions?"

"Cut! Good take everyone!" The director's loud voice reverberated across the set.

"Good work. The two of you were great. [Last Name]-san was great too." The director sang praises of MEZZO"'s performance. "By the way happy birthday Osaka-kun."

"Thank you Sir. And also thank you for the surprise celebration."

"Oh! You're welcome but actually if you have to thank someone it has to be Yotsuba-kun. He came up with this idea after all."

"Excuse me Sir, do you have a minute?" A cameraman called out.

"In that case, will you excuse me for a bit? Again, good work today!"

"Thank you Sir."

"You really did that Tamaki-kun? You even got [Name]-chan into it."

"...I just thought I had to make it up to you after all the trouble I caused you..." Tamaki sheepishly explained.

"Tamaki-kun... Thank you."

"Actually, I went to your agency to see you but you were out for work and I found Tamaki-kun instead. I told him about your birthday and he suggested to surprise you." You added.

After a short celebration, the staff and crew left along with Tamaki who had another job to do, leaving the two of you alone.

"Congratulations on your idol debut. I'm so happy for you Sogo."

"Thank you. [Name]-chan too, congratulations on your successful restaurant. Your food is great as always."

"Thanks... It's been long since the last time we hanged out like this. " Your cheerful tone was betrayed by the wistful look in your eyes.

"Indeed... You know [Name]-chan there is something I want to tell you..."

"...What is it?"

"I'm sorry for not being honest about my feelings for you... That I love you too. And that never changed..." Sogo looked at you with a serious expression. "But I guess it's too late now... For sure you already have someone who loves you." He regretfully said.

"Dummy... How can I have someone else when all I ever wanted is you." You flusteredly admitted.

"[Name]-chan..." His regretful face lightened.

"Everything I did reminded me of you. Even this ice cream, I created it thinking of you." You reached for his hand and slowly entwined your fingers with his. "Your gentle sweetness and your burning passion as well as your calming coolness and your warm smiles."

"Maybe now is the right time for us [Name]-chan... will you be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Sogo...I'd be glad to."

[A/N: Spicy Sogomama is 😍 I love how he treats everyone kindly. But he is really scary when angered though I find his yandere scenes funny (especially when he tried to hit the thief with a laptop 😂😂). His drunk and fanboying scenes are too cute 😂 I consider his ahoge as his ultimate charm point 😍😂 His voice is also 😍😍 Abe-san kakkoii!! If you haven't listened to his solo song Maybe yet, I suggest you do 😉😍😘 But I loved him even more on the scene where he comforted Tamaki after he saw his scumbag of a father 😭😭]

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