Allen Thompson ➡️➡️➡️⬆️⬆️⬆️
Allen's P.O.V.
That's all I could think.
Don't stop! Just run! Whatever you do, just don't look back!
I kept on yelling in my head. I knew I had to run away from that horrible place. Run far away from it I couldn't stay there. So many things they did to me. They abused me physically and mentally. They tested on me. They were planning to sell me. I had to run away from the lab. Far far away. I kept on running as much as my feet could when all of a sudden I fell limp. And I was engulfed by darkness.
This was just a preview to my new book
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ParanormalAndy Davis was your average 19 your old guy. He was the star quarter back, he was going to date the head cheerleader that all changed when he met 17 year old Allen Thompson. Allen Thompson doesn't have the best background when he was 15 he was kidna...