Could This Love Be True

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So basically this is my first fan fiction ever so it'll probably suck really bad but it would still mean a lot to me if you read it so yeah. Much of this has never happened so yeah.

I was listening to bigcitydreams by never shout never while writing this


"If you got it all figured out

Then what is there to shout about" I sung as my fans sang "this Midwest town is gonna miss you," back to me. It was the last song of the night and boy was I tired. "Peace out home slices," I said to my fans as I walked off stage. We were only half way through the tour and I was already starting to miss my family especially my girlfriend Amber. As many problems as she causes me I still love her with all my heart and pretty much most of the songs I write are about her. As I was walking I bumped into Hayden causing me to lose my train of thought.

"Hey Hayden did you have fun tonight, " boy Hayden sure was cute but I shouldn't be thinking that way he's one of my closest friends, I'm straight, and plus I'm in love with amber I couldn't do that to her.

"Yeah the show was great and your singing was great too." Hayden replied. I couldn't help but blush, he's such a sweet heart but NO Chris you're a straight manly man thought to myself.

"What are you thinking about?" Hayden interrupted.

"Damnit Hayden NOTHING YOU CAN'T JUST SCARE ME LIKE THAT!" I didn't mean to go off on Hayden but I was embarrassed and I have so many conflicted emotions. I better go call Amber.

I ran on to the bus from the venue as fast as I could 'cause we have some very rabid fans. "What's up," Tay said to me as I walked to my bunk.

"Nothin man, just the same 'ol same 'ol," I replied back as I plopped down on my bunk. I pulled out my phone to call Amber and noticed I had three text messages and four missed calls from Amber. I dialed her number to see what was going on, this is typical Amber overreacting.

"Christofer I'm sorry," she sobbed over the phone.

"Calm down," I said trying to reassure her. "What's going on"

" I CHEATED IM SO SORRY, IM SORRY" I couldn't comprehend what she was saying. I loved her and I still do love her how could she do this to me.

"You what," I could barely get out the words as I was choking on my tears, "With who?"

"Carter," Not him NO! I threw my phone across the bus. Carter was my best friend and this was the second time she cheated on me but this time with Carter.

I was so furious, I haven't felt this way since I was sixteen. I started crying horribly and I'm usually not one to cry. "Chris are you ok," I heard Tay yell from the front of the bus. I guess they were worried because they haven't seen me this upset since high school. I couldn't handle this I gave her my everything. We've been together for years and I gave her so many chances but I'm done with her. I don't want hear about her or Carter. Especially Carter we were bestfriends. HELL I even put him on my record label. I just needed some time to think but I needed to get my feelings out first. So I decided to write

"I'm a real big fan of yours

But I'm quite the joke to you

But girl it wasn't a joke when you

Kissed me in your room and replied

"I love you too"

I'm a little bit insecure

From all of this mistreatment

But see I'm workin' it out

I'm workin' it out

But it's so damn hard

When you're alone

Sha da da da da da da da da da

Da da da da da da da da da

I am running out of words

To say to you, wondering why I'm

Wasting my time

Thinking back and wondering why

I'm such a fool for loving you"

I felt so much better after writing that song. It usually helps when I write but I still loved her. I was there for her and I cheered her on when no one believed her. Hell I was her biggest fan. "Chris are you ok," I heard Hay whisper because he was trying not to wake Tay up.

"Yeah I'm fine" I didn't really want to talk but I kind of needed to talk to someone so I continued, "I'm just confused. I don't know why she would do this to me. She promised me that she would never cheat on me again and so I trusted her. I should have never given her a second chance. Oh if you tal-" I was interrupted by Hayden pressing his lips against mine.

I didn't know what to do! Taylor was on the bus and I couldn't risk getting caught by Taylor and I'm not gay! "Hayden STOP!" I mean I kind of wanted to kiss him but I can't I just got out of a relationship and I repeat I'm not gay.

"Why? I thought you wanted this," I could see the hurt and longing in his eyes. I was confused and I did want him and I needed some one to comfort me. So I kissed him and the kiss grew more passionate. I could feel his tongue against my lips begging for entrance. I allowed his tongue to roam my mouth and I let out a moan as Hayden grasped my ass.

"What are you two doing?" Taylor said groggily.

"Nothing," I said as I crawled back into my bunk. Hayden was silent as usually and said nothing to hide the fact that we just made out. My mind was spinning. I. JUST. SWAPPED. SPIT. WITH. ONE. OF.MY. BEST FRIENDS. I honestly can't even think straight. Was this one time thing? Do I even really like Hayden? I mean he's cute and all but I'm a straight man. I can't be in a relationship with another guy. How will my fans react? Sigh I just needed to sleep on this.


Ok I know it's really crappy. Please give me feedback. Comment maybe vote. It's my first fanfic so don't be harsh and I'm writing this off the top of my head. I'll probably update every other day or not idk since I have some summer homework to do.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 18, 2012 ⏰

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