{:*If I Was A Rich Girl*:} Prologue

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 Well, if you came here to read about a story of romance. Where two people are in the same room and they suddenly look at each other and everything in the room stops. When you can only dream of that person at night and all they think about is you. Then you have come to the wrong story. Please stop reading now and save yourself the frustration and aggravation. Unfortunately I can’t save myself from that. Allow me to introduce myself. I’m Zoey I go by the name Zoe whichever one is fine. I choose not to use my last name and write only my first name on papers and schoolwork. I honestly wish I was never born with it, the man who gave it to me no longer exists in my life so why should his name stay with me if he didn't. Anyway enough about me, I’m really not that important. My mother is probably the most important figure in my life. She is unable to speak so, lets just say if there's going to be a class on sign language at my new school I’ll be sure to pass. I’m not the wealthiest kid on my block but my mom works for some huge company and their mother owns the school down the street from me Realsworth Academy, and every marketing business you can think of. I don’t know how she scooped up a job like that , working for the most wealthiest woman in London. I never wanted my mother to work for me, I wanted to work for her and even though I work about 4 jobs already if I could take her job I certainly would in a heartbeat. We moved to Homes Chapel at least a year ago and school is about to start. The school that is near me is an all rich kid school of course as I told you earlier it’s owned by the wealthiest woman in London so you can already infer that I can’t afford to go so I guess I’ll be going to the school that’s probably a few miles away from where we live. Life is hard for us but I try to make the best out of it. I don’t want to complain too much because I just want my mother to be happy regardless what school I’m being thrown into. I don’t need a lot of money to live and I don’t need a fancy house to make new friends. Hopefully, I’ll make new friends who will like me for me just like my friends back in America. I miss them dearly but I think I’ll manage to stay sane without them. Anyway that’s all you need to know about me honestly. Maybe I’ll get a boyfriend and we'll run away and live happily ever after………I hope you noticed my sarcasm.

 If I was a Rich girl

The last couple of days have been rough. My mom is basically living in the Styles household so I constantly have to make sure the house doesn't fall apart. It’s not easy being an only child at all. My phone vibrated on my desk and even though I was too exhausted to get up it’s been buzzing like that all day. I don’t understand who would be texting me this much, it couldn't of been my mom since she’s working. I wiped the sleep from my eyes and got up to get my phone from my small night table

17 messages

Geez, I unlocked it looking through my messages immediately. There was 5 from Anna and Alfie( my two best friends) and the rest were from my mom, which is surprising since she always told me through  sign language of course,  to never text her while she was working. I read my moms first making sure she was alright. I read through them the first one saying that she loved me sent 30 minutes ago the second one saying that Anne was giving her a hard time at work. I sighed reading the rest until my eyes landed on the very last one she sent me. It was an address and then a message underneath it

Come to this address , Mrs. Styles would like to tell you some good news

Good news? How does she even know who I am? I really hope mom didn't go writing to her about how she had a daughter. I never wanted to be introduced to Mrs. Styles, she seems like the woman to be intimidated by. I've seen her on the telly all the time and she’s a force to be reckon with. I stared at the message for a while longer before putting it into my back pocket. I guess I better get going then. I’m pretty sure I don’t look at presentable as I would like to look in front of Mrs. Styles but I mean it’s not like I was working all day…..which I was. I at least fixed my hair and put it into a nice long pony tail sighing at my image in the mirror. This will have to do. I hurried out of the house pulling out my phone to look at the address again. I put it into my navigation on my phone and got onto my bike. Who needs a car right?

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 29, 2014 ⏰

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{:*If I Was A Rich Girl*:} Harry Styles love storyWhere stories live. Discover now