Chapter 1: Birthday Plans

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(Emma is 17, Louis and Hugo are 14)
      "Emma. Em-ma. EMMA!" A shriek echoed through the castle as Emma fell out off bed, startled by her mother's loud call. "I'm up! I'm up!", she cried desperately trying to free herself from her blanket. Marinette chuckled as she helped her daughter untangle herself and stand up, "You're late for breakfast again dear." Emma sighed as she made her way over to her wardrobe. She grabbed a dress and quickly changed out of her night clothes. "Sorry mom, I guess I'm a heavy sleeper.", she replied while slipping on her shoes. "Well what's done is done, let's not keep the boys waiting any longer." Marinette said as she ushered Emma out of the room.
          The two women made their way to the dining hall where Adrien (patiently) and the twins (not so patiently) were waiting. As they took their seats Louis sent his sister a glare as Hugo released his frustrations, "It's about time! We're starving Emma and we always have to wait for you! Why can't you ever be on time!?" Emma stood up to fire her own remarks at her brother when Adrien held up his hand to his daughter and turned to his son as he spoke, " Hugo I'm sorry you had to wait but you should not yell at your sister. And Emma," he said turning to his daughter, " As future queen of this country you must take more responsibility for your actions, that includes being on time." " Yes father." Emma and Hugo chorused.
        Breakfast remained quiet except for her parent's quiet chatter at the head of the table. Emma stirred her eggs as she spaced out oblivious to everyone around her until the clearing of her father's throat brought her back to reality. She snapped her head towards her father as he looked at her expectantly. "You needed something father?" Emma asked, hoping she had not been ignoring him for too long. Adrien sighed as he looked at his daughter, "I was saying that it is time we discussed your 18th birthday. It is only a month away." Emma released the breath she had been holding. " Oh, what about it?" Adrien turned to his wife receiving a nod of encouragement telling him to continue before turning his attention back to his daughter. "Since it is your 18th Birthday and you are the crown princess it is customary that you not only take the oath of rulership, but it is time you also chose a husband."
        Emma stared at her father in shock. She knew she would have to marry before she became queen but she never realized she would have to chose at 18. Emma began to feel the panic building in her chest as the thoughts swirled through her mind. She was about to run from the room when she felt a hand begin to rub her back soothingly. Emma turned to see a concerned Louis behind her doing his best to give her a reassuring smile as he continued to rub her back. Emma gave him a grateful smile as she worked on calming herself down. Though they didn't always see eye to eye, she and her brothers were very close and the back rubbing was something she used to do to calm the boys during thunderstorms when they were scared. As they got older the boys had returned the favor by doing the same to her when ever she became worried or upset.
          After a moment Emma composed herself and turned her attention back to her father. "Do I have to choose a husband now?" she asked hesitantly. Adrien sighed knowing that question had been coming, " Yes, you must choose a husband. We will hold a ball on your 18th Birthday and invite every eligible bachelor to attend, rich or poor. You may choose anyone whom you deem worthy to rule by your side. No restrictions. Do you understand?" Emma stared at her father, renewed hope shining in her eyes. She could choose anyone? No restrictions? This had to be a dream. Emma was snapped out of her thoughts by her mother's hand waving in front of her face. She immediately turned to her father who was waiting for her response. "I understand father.", she replied. "May I be dismissed?" Adrien gave his daughter a small smile, "Go.", he told her. Emma ran to her father enveloping him in a hug before leaving the room.
          Seeing as today was Sunday, a day of rest in the Kingdom, Emma did not have to attend any of her royal studies. Meaning, she was free to roam the village. Emma loved going to the village and interacting with everyone. It allowed her to be free of her crown princess title and just be a normal teenager. As Emma roamed the village she made her way over to her Uncle Nathanael's Art shop/studio at the centre. She had once again filled her sketch pad and was in desperate need of a new one, as well as some pencils. She smiled as the bell jingled above her head and the smell of fresh paint filled her nose. "Well, if it isn't my favorite niece.", a voice chuckled. Emma looked over to see her Uncle standing in the doorway of his studio wiping the paint from his hands with a rag. "Uncle Nathaniel!", she squealed rushing over to embrace him in a hug which he gladly returned. "Haha so what brings you here today Emma?" Nathaniel asked smiling. "I need a new sketch pad and pencils.", she replied giving him a knowing smile. Nathaniel laughed as he grabbed the items, "You're beginning to go through them faster than I do these days." Emma laughed as she took the bag of items and placed her money on the counter, however he pushed the money away, "Keep it. You've bought enough to earn a free one." Emma shook her head as she backed away from the counter, "You give me personal art lessons every other day. You're the one who's earned it. Bye Uncle Nathaniel!" With that, Emma charged out of the shop leaving him no chance to give her the money.
        She zipped through the crowd and mad her way to her favorite tree in the field nearby. Emma sat down and pulled out her new sketch pad and pencils looking up at her home, the castle, in the distance and began to sketch. She became engrossed in her work and didn't notice the person who was slowly making their way towards her. The person propped their guitar against the tree before kneeling down beside her and covering her eyes. "Guess who.", the person whispered in her ear as she gave a knowing smile. " Hello Shawn." The boy pouted as he removed his hands from her eyes, "No fair, you always know it's me." Emma laughed as she tackled him into a hug causing him to fall over with a sudden thud. Shawn laughed with her as the two embraced under the shade of the tree.
        "So what are you sketching today?" He asked as he helped Emma sit up. "Just the castle." she replied. Shawn nodded as he grabbed his guitar and strummed a few notes and earned himself a smile from Emma. "So what's on your mind?" Emma stared at him like a deer in head lights. "How did you know something was on my mind?" She asked. Shawn chuckled as he wrapped his arm around her shoulders, "Cause Emmy, I've know you since we were born and you always have a distant look on your face when something is bothering you. Now spill."
        Emma smiled fondly at the old nickname and sighed, "Alright. Father says I have to choose a husband on my 18th Birthday and I'm nervous because I didn't know it would happen this soon. I'm scared Shawn." He pulled Emma to his chest and rubbed her back. "There's nothing to be scared off. We knew this day would come. Besides, you already have a prince charming." He smirked as he planted a kiss on her forehead. Emma smiled as she looked up at him. Shawn always knew what to do and say to make her feel better. "But are we ready? Marriage is a big commitment. Not to mention the royal duties that come with being king and queen." She replied. Shawn sighed. Emma always freaked out over things and he could admit that she had the right to be nervous but he also knew she could do whatever she set her mind to. "We'll be fine. Every king and queen had to learn how to rule. We'll learn together just like always. You do want to marry me right?" He asked worried he might have jumped the gun. Emma laughed and gave him a playful punch in the shoulder. "Of course, I mean we already had a fake wedding when we were 8 so this will just be the real deal." She and Shawn chuckled remembering how they had created the pretend wedding and had Louis and Hugo marry them in the castle garden.
       "I love you Emma." Shawn whispered. " I love you too." She replied. Emma looked up at the falling sun and realized she needed to head home. She quickly packed up her things and Shawn helped her stand up. The young couple embraced one last time before going their separate ways. That evening a smile remained on Emma's face as she ate dinner with her family and then went to bed. As long as she had Shawn everything would be ok.

Author's Note
I am so sorry this update has taken so long. I lost three family members over winter break and then school returned leaving me unable to write. Now that I am on summer break I hope to add updates to this story as well as start my own Descendants FanFic focusing on my favorite bad boy, Jay. Thanks to those who read my first book and the prologue to this one. Keep reading and I will do my best to keep this story going!

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