What If She Leaves Without Saying Goodbye?

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What are we fighting over?

I simply do not know.

You have me lost in thoughts,

I'm tossing to and fro.

Soon you will be gone,

And you'll blame this all on me.

What can I say or do,

So the mistake we both can see.

Why did you pick this fight,

With me before you go?

I'm all alone and lost,

But of this you do not know.

If you don't say goodbye,

Before you turn and leave.

What am I supposed to do,

Except to cry and grieve?!

I thought our friendship was special,

I thought it meant a lot.

If you felt the same way,

Why are we stuck in this knot?

I don't like goodbyes,

But in this we have no choice.

If you won't speak to me,

the good-bye's will come from MY voice.

We've managed through other fights,

But this one's not the same.

I'm not having any fun,

And I want to stop this game.

I'm not good at sorries,

So I'll do my best with this.

I have one last request,

It is my goodbye wish.

I wish that we were friends again,

Before WE say GOODBYE.

Now that this is off my chest,

I wait and sit and sigh.

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