masa orientasi

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.syam ....

hello, my name is syam my school is one favorite school in gowa, that is SMAN 1 Nusa Harapan. MOS is an abbreviation of the word Student Orientation which is the routine of every school in the case of admission of new students, as well as in our school. Nisa women who became my heaviest rivals junior high school first, a star class who always adored genius, sweet person, friendly, cheap smile but unfortunately cuek abis if same men, plus sometimes cold ice kayaks. but I like the one thing he has, not the cleverness, not the beauty, but sweet.

during this orientation, I rarely saw him any busy with his new friend or how, but I was embarrassed abis in front of him when I arrived late and punished by artist to dance in front of everyone. yahh on that day we are required to come at 6:00 am while I come at 6:15 am due to motor running out of gasoline in the middle of the road.

the third day of our MOS period is to select an extracurricular organization in the school, where all extracurriculars have flocked to their introduction and vision and their respective advantages. at that time I did not know where to go and how I chose it as a member of the Red Cross Youth or often abbreviated with the word PMR. I took the registration form and joined the organization along with some friends. hope I join in the organization hopefully I find it easier to approach the sweet and cute woman that is critical. yahh ,,,, than as a woman who is quite genius I think he is also critical in thinking and acting proven he ever participated in the debate contest in our class during junior high school first. 

cepat akrab dengan teman baru, tidak diragukan lagi, dia ramah terhadap para perempuan tapi entahlah dia tetap cuek pada lawan jenisnya termasuk gue yang jelas-jelas teman kelasnya dari awal dia mengenyam bangku pendidikan. dari TK sampai SMP gue satu atap dengannya, tapi nihil diajak ngomong aja gak guys, tapi setidaknya gue dapat senyum manis itu, hehee. tapi gue gak mau sok manis kedia gue pura-pura gak lihat senyum itu dan gue seolah-olah sibuk sendiri dengan teman baru gue dikarenakan sudah tiga hari kami orientasi bareng namun baru kali ini dia senyum kegue padahal gue rindu senyum itu sejak 3 bulan yang lalu. yahh, kami baru ketemu setelah 3 bulan libur panjang dari masa SMP ke masa SMA. namun meskipun begitu, gue tetap bersyukur dalam hati karena bisa melihat senyum manis pertamanya selama di putih abu-abu ini. makasih Nisa ucapku dalam hati. 

so long guys, wait for it, yah ,, WASSALAM 

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2018 ⏰

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