part one .the begin of an good friendship.

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" how late is it....shit. " Say Nessy . How is a little late for her work. She work by the CIA . But she isn't alone. She have a friend. How his name is. Herman Carter.aka the doctor. He is the most close to her. Even he's so obsess about the electronics and election. That the CIA is trying to do an experiment on him and her. But they don't know it. So Nessy just arrived at her work " hello Nessy. How are ya "Ask Someone how looks like a doctor. " good Herman . And you " Say Nessy. " I'm fine. So what are we going to do. Doctor? " Ask Nessy " please Nessy call me. Herman " Say Herman " okey SPARK " Say Nessy. " Nessy please " Say Herman " I said your nickname. " Say Nessy " o thanks my nurse " Say Herman " no problem SPARK" Say Nessy. And go with him. Inside the room. And they saw seven doctor's. " what are they doing here " Ask Nessy " i don't know. MY NURSE. BUT STAY CLOSE TO ME. WILL YOU. " Say Herman. " I promise SPARK " Say Nessy . And grap his hand. And Herman looks at her. Completely red. " So so. Miss pate and Mister Carter. Just sit here. And relax " Say a man with sun glasses. " why should we do that "Ask Herman " just do what I said ok. " Say he " No " Say Nessy. And go away. " electrocute them. " Say the man. And the other six man. Electrocuted them. " AAAAAAAA FUCK OFFF YOU ALL SICKOS " Say Nessy. And try to punch them. But then she saw something in Herman. He love it how they are electrocute him. : SPARK what the fuck. He loves it. : was Nessy thinking. But then he's looking at her. " My NURSE. PLEASE STAY ALIVE AND AWAKE FOR ME PLEASE " Scream Herman. " SPARK I'LL TRY.....please don't hurt him..... Aaaa. " Say Nessy. And someone punch her unconscious. And Nessy fall. " spark " whisper Nessy. " NOOO MY NURSE. I'M GOING TO FUCKING KILL YOU ALL. " Scream Herman. And become angry. And then this happened. He is being shocked by a some sort of shock therapy. What he made of his own. " Aaa Nessy please stay up. For me. Please " Say Herman. And try to get her hand. But it's too late. Hes already in unconscious." Let's lock them up. And repair for the {treatment} and make them ready ." Say the man with the glasses. And his workers grap Herman and Nessy. And go to an other room. And the friends are spared from each other.

✘Time skip with Herman ✘

Herman wake up. And feel some metal in his eyecorners and mouth. And on his head. The sleeves of his lab coat are ripped off. " ooo what....where is MY NURSE. WHAT HAVE YOU ALL DONE TO HER. YOU SICK FUCKS. " Scream Herman. And broke free form the chains. How is on his arms legs and belly. He saw electromagnetic equipment. Like an stunt stick. And he grap it. And put it on high vold. And kill them all with it. The he built a electronic Stick like thing. Then he sees his reflection in the mirror. " o no. Nessy will never love me like this. But my muscles are fucking hot tho. I need My NURSE. " Say Herman. And then he do a electronic power with is left hand. " o what's this.?... O hey there. " Say Herman . And do his treatment. On one of the man. And he's exposed with the electronic shock. And going inside. " HEHEHEH HOW DOES IT FEEL BITCH. LET'S PUT IT ALL IN GET READY FOR YOUR PUNISHMENT. " Say Herman. And do his punishment shock. So he scream loud. So he did it again. And aging. Until he's CRAZY. So an imagination of Herman popped up. " AAAAAA " Scream the man. And then Herman killed him. Like a AED. Wen you wake people up . But this time is it the other way. He's killing the poor bastard. And Herman Smile. But in a creepy way. Because of the metal stuff in his mouth. So he try to get rid of it. It's working. Then he look at himself at the mirror. " I'm coming for you Nessy ." Say Herman. And grap so many metal like stuff. To make his weapon. Like an electronic stick with SPIKES ON IT. And he look at the mirror again. And see himself in fear. "WHAT I'VE BECOME. NO THIS ISN'T ME. I'M NOT A KILLER. OR AM I. I HOPE NESSY IS OKAY. I NEED TO FIND HER. NO MATTER WHAT" Say Herman. And go out the room. And look though the hole building. And still don't find her. So he goes to his old hospital. And find out that is work place is abandoned. So he's making a living home of it. In the meantime. Nessy is being held. As a animal. " Let me the FUCK GO. " Scream Nessy. Then they unclouded her. And saw her mude body. So they put needles in her hole body. And inject her with. What she makes. On her own. Like NIGHTMARE DUST. Then her eyes are changing into red. And her teeth are change too. They are sharper than sharp. " Mmmm yes . Soooo hot and steamy Miss plate " Say a man with a beard. " ack F... F... Fuck off " Say Nessy. Than. They grap a flamethrower. And burn the half of her body. Even her left boob is burnd and her left side of her ass era and even her left side of her Pussycat. Is half burnd too. " AAAAAAAAAaaaaaaaa! " Scream Nessy out of pain. Then her hair is burned off. And she fall dead. " look miss plate . You thought you can do anything. Even play with your lovely DOCTOR. And loook now you are nothing more than a fucked up mangled corpus. " Say the man. But then Nessy wake up. : is this what the afterlife mean.? Well I don't feel my heart beat. So I think it's the AFTERLIFE. : Was She thinking. And open her eye's. And saw the man. Touching her boobs. Then she snapped. Then she freed her self. And broke all the chains. And scratch him on his face . Then she saw her hand made weapon. It's a glove with knifes on the tips of the finger's. And she put it on. And kill him. Then she bite his neck. " SO YOU THINK THAT I'M THAT WOMAN. NOPE. I'M MORE THAN EVIL. I'M THE ARSENAL " Say Nessy and kill him. Then she saw a mirror. And look at it. With fear and disgust. " O no ....Spark don't love me like this. Or he will. Love it.... But what I have become. We'll o we'll. I get my revenge . And try to save my SPARK. " Say Nessy. And go to look for clothes. And saw her old outfit. Leather jacket with bra and pants and shoes. All in leather. With metal spike's and skulls. Like a motor biker. And saw a hat a put it on her head. And try to fine Herman. After two hours she didn't find him. So she go to her old hospital. Work. She arrive at it. And looks though the hole building. And saw that it's. Abandoned. So she make it her home . Because her home is in the city. But she's too scared to go back. She saw a bed. And go sleep on it.

Hey there it's was fun to make this chapter. seee you in the next chapter. DIKKE DOEI. 😘

My Nurse ( Herman Carter (the doctor)  x Nessy plate (arsenal) )Where stories live. Discover now