Strange beginning

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Clary's pov

I woke up this morning having sensed the tension of the upcoming day, mum had several times told me to not draw or to not remember anything that I  dream about. According to her, dreams mislead their victims into a path of misunderstanding and  loneliness. As I trod downstairs I hear a scream coming from the kitchen, I run as fast as I can in and rapidly look around for any signs of fire or dead animals in the fridge. Hey! don't laugh, it's happened before. Anyways, it's a really long story, but what I do see in the kitchen is totally not what I expected on a Monday morning in my house. My mother is stranded against the oven with a god knows what kind of gothic wannabe with half of his head shaved off standing behind her with about half an army load of-oneof which by the way were pointing at my mum. As I start to back away the huge goth comes towards me and lifts his sword upwards so that I have to edge my chin up as well to avoid being sliced in half.

"Valentine will be impressed when I bring him both his wife (to be) and his dear daughter." The man's hideous laughter filled the room as he tied bth me and my now unconcious mum up with heavy ropes made of silver and metal.

He pushed me down the stairs and picked my mum up and carried her single-handedly and kept nuging me down the corridor and just as he was about to open the door to our flat, the door slammed down to the floor and behind it was the strangest of all people in this world. He was wearing a black leather jacket, skin-tight jeans that only a mad person would wear and a greyish shirt which was clearly too big for him as you could see half of his chest from where I was standing and trust me --no girl would like to look back on that sight. He was just about my age and his abs looked like he worked out every single day.

Before I could take in another breath---the guy sprinted towards the huge goth and out of nowhere , he held up a transparent sword and waved it around until the giagantic hlk was on the floor grasping for air. He quickly untangled both of us and asked me:

"Can you see me?" His voice was as sweet as lavender and yet he sounded gingerly losing his nerve, so I quickly anwsered.

"yeah, I'm not blind. I've got a question as well---" I tried to be casual at first but by the end of this senence I totally lost my temper.


Unfortunately, I couldn't stop myself saying the last bit and as soon as I realised I had said it I started blushng and went bright red.

Weirdly enough, all he did was smirk...

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