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As the wealthy-looking man walked his way home, well, he could use the bugatti veron his parents gave him for his birthday— he'd rather walk and be humble.

"I'm home." He mutters to himself, his his deep voice booming through his empty house.

He heaved a deep sigh as he sits on the red velvet chair, legs spread apart and back leaning against the cushion comfortably.

At this hour, his house was the epitome of a haunted house. At day, his house always seemed bright, but as the sun goes down, it transforms into something a lot more eerie and spine chilling.

Perfect for a man named Kim Taehyung.

His mind seemed to wander elsewhere, as he sat there, playing with his slender fingers.

Normally, people would like to be comforted by music. But he chose to bask in silence and be serenaded by the ticking of the clock.

"I'm bored." He sighed, as he swipes his tongue across his lower lip.

He idly walks to what seems to be his basement, which was the entrance was hidden in his bedroom closet.

He enters the dimly lit room, for a rich man like him, the room was poorly maintained compared to the other rooms in the house.

"Ugh, it stinks." He babbled, as the pungent smell made its way to his nose, making him cover it.

Climbing down the rotten wooden stairs, he hears the groans of the man he held captive.

"Geez, how are you not dead yet?" He says, as he reaches the bottom of the stairs.

Jin was tied onto a pole with chains, Taehyung left water for him to drink and put it in a dog bowl.

The poor man had bruises all over him, his clothes, torn apart by wounds. And the slashes on his skin were yet to heal. Some still oozed blood.

"I could say the same to you," He choked out, with all the strength he had.

"Listen, I didn't come down here to rot with you," He inches closer to Jin's weak figure, that was slumped on the floor. He grabs his neck, his grip firm and strong that he could feel his weak pulse. "I'm sending in a nurse to take care of you tomorrow. I want you alive. For now."

Jin's eyes widened at his statement. Unsure of what he had up his sleeve.

"Why?" He spat, his mouth dripping with blood.

"I need someone to help me lure in my prey." He the inner corners of his mouthed curled up into a twisted smile.

"Don't die." He muttered, letting go of the elder's neck harshly, as Jin fell back to the cold floor with a loud thump.


Yoonhye woke up on Jungkook's shoulder, forgetting how she got there.

Their limbs tangled with one another on the couch. A baby blue blanket over their bodies keeping them warm.

"Kook?" She whispered softly into his ears, so she wouldn't startle him.

"Hm?" He managed to say, in a breathy morning voice.

"How'd we end up like this?"

The boy gets up, and yawns. Also clearly puzzled at the close proximity him and Yoonhye were.

"I think it was when we were watching 13 reasons why and you started to get sleepy." He says in his morning voice, his Busan Satoori making an appearance, making it sound ten times sexier than it should have been.

"Oh," Yoonhye got up from the couch and stretched her limbs out, the same arms and legs that clung onto Jungkook's body like a koala.

"I'm making breakfast. Got any suggestions?" She questioned, as she fixed her hair up into a small ponytail, since her hair was quite short anyways.

"Just some fried eggs would be good." He replied, going on his phone first thing in the morning.

"You know, thats bad for you." She randomly say due to his behavior.

Jungkook looks at the elder, with one brow raised.

"Going on your phone when you wake up, that's not good." She repeated, while taking out a frying pan from the cupboards.

Before Yoonhye could grab some eggs from the fridge, her phone rang. This was something she needed to take a look at, since he wouldn't really receive texts at this time of day.

She opened her phone, and looked over at Jungkook, who gave her a weird stare.

"That's bad for you." He mocked.

"If you don't want this spatula down your ass, its best if you shut up." She warns, holding her spatula up in the air.

hang out at my place tomorrow? you can bring Jungkook if you want.


"Oh shit," Yoonhye cursed under her breath, as she scrambles to find the piece of paper Taehyung gave her that night.

She finall found it by her door step, next to the banana she threw, which was now rotten.

She bends down to her knees to pick up the piece of paper to see that it was Taehyung's number indeed.

Making her way back into the kitchen, she picks up her phone and replied to his text.

Sure. I'll go tell Kook

"Yoonhye! I'm hungry already!" Jungkook wailed, as he slumped into Yoonhye's sofa like some sort of mad man.

"Yah, hold on." She yelled, quickly whisking the eggs up in a bowl.


"So you're going to this guy's house?" Jungkook chews on his strawberry flavored gum he found in his pocket.

"He's not just any guy, though. He's my friend."

Jungkook sassily rolled his eyes at me. "I'm starting to think that you've already replaced my hyung."

Her heart melts into a puddle when he said that, she'd hope to find a hint of sarcasm in his voice but she detected none.

"It's not that, Kook. I love Jin so much, you don't even know-"

"Its also not impossible to fall for someone as well."

"Oh, shut up, Kook." I rolled my eyes as I slap his shoulder.

"For real though, I'm really hungry." He says, rubbing his stomach as he looks at a nearby restaurant.

"You're paying this time."



having lowkey writer's block. Sorry for all the lame ass chapters lately😪

love you all still, and thank you for 270 reads!💜💜💜

Its almost school in where i live though. So i may not update as much 😪😪😪

-hyungwonhoes 💜

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