not my type!

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So from the beginning I have to say that this story is so much different from the other stories you ever read , hope u like it xx
Demi's view
today is a really important day for me
it somehow a preordained thing
today I have a test and if I get accepted I will be the big famous Nick jonas's manager,yea maybe his second manager or whatever but I NEED THIS
I need this job , I've got no future
I should message someone omg I'm so stressed
-hi momma
-hi girl you ready?
-yes but I'm just too nervous mom what if I...
-listen Demu,you gonna get this okay?be confident,if not you then who?
-all these beautiful hot girls out there?
-honey it's not about hotness and wait who said you aren't ?
-oh c'mon mom
-go on girl,I believe in you
-I love u
-I love u too baby
2 hours later
almost there!
-hi I'm Demi Lovato,I called for the management test last night
-oh yes welcome Miss Lovato
*gets in*
-so Miss Lovato , how old are you?
-well I'm 24 and from dallas
-have you ever had a job similar to this?
-no but I worked at starbucks and some coffe shops and oh some disney clothes shops
-what is your dream?
-to be happy
-I mean a porpuse?
-I live in the moment
-and why do you want this job?
-because...because I wanna be someone
-what do you mean?
-I'm tired of being no one,I wanna have a future,I need adventure
-Okay miss , I like the way you dressed,you're so simplistic and so that's who we were searching for,we saw lot of girls trying to get this job with their body
-with their body?
-yes,they would dress up like porn stars and well no
-oh...! I...?
-yes you got this job,congratulations
-um so sir
-call me Phill
-okay Phill,when can I met him?
-we'll go to his house now
-yes now
-Nick open the door it's me
-Nickk?Open the door
-oh hey Phill,watcha doin here?
-Nick why didn't you open the door?
-business *laughs*
-yea I could hear your BUSINESS,get some clothes on and come here,I got the manager , wanna met her?
-Is she hot?
-*laughs* Okay okay , where is she?
-in the car
Nick saw Demi in the car looking nervously at her nails
-that girl is so....
-not your type,yes that's what I wanted
-well thanks Phill
-you are very welcome

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