The Hunt

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They were all outside dumbstruck at the sight of the panther. For a moment there was a long silence but it was broken by the sound of the door slamming shut.

"It's locked!" Sam cried struggling to open the door.

The cloaked figure then spoke but though it was only a faint mumble but it was heard clearly.

"Get them!" It ordered.

"Dead or Alive!" The panther boomed.

"Dead!" It said before vanishing.

At that last word the boys scattered but their luck was broken due to the fact that they were trapped in a small area with the panther by some mysterious force.

Andy climbed up a tree and Felix the same but with the shack. Jake and Sam clearly the jocks of the group took turns to confuse the panther but they had no luck.

The panther had its back side against the tree Andy was in.

"Guys I have an idea!" Andy shouted.

"Just do it!" Felix howled.

Andy grabbed the loose branch next to him and threw it harshly at the panthers head. The panther looked up and was hit in the forehead. It was a success the panther was knocked out and collapsed at the base of the tree.

"Nice work princess but do you need to be helped down from your tower!" Jake joked.

"No!" Andy called as he not so gracefully fell down the tree.

"So what are we gonna do with it?" Questioned Felix.

Sam was over near the shack dragging a large metal bar over his shoulder. "Kill it and eat it, I'm starving!"

"What!" Andy gasped.

"Well it's not gonna stay unconscious forever." Said Jake.

"Okay, roasted panther it is." Felix said sarcastically.

As Sam pulled up to beat the panther to death he was stopped by Andy who was looking a bit uneasy.

"Are you sure?" Andy questioned.

"Yup!" Sam replied and with that he swung the natal bar overbid shoulder. He paused to look somewhat heroic, he turned to see the panther but dropped the bar over his back.

Andy whom was behind him jumped back. "Why'd you drop it?"

"Cos' there is no panther to hit..." Sam answered with confusion.

There lying where the panther once was, there lied a girl. She was covered in cuts and bruises. Her black as night hair was covering her face.

Sam kneeled down and pulled her hair away from her face to reveal the girl's pale skin and a massive bruise on her forehead.

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