The Villain

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Twenty-Five –The Villain

It’s cold, the wind is strong and standing out here for so long is making it worse. I contacted Jett as soon as I way away from Miss Davidson and I skipped the rest of the classes for that day as well as the classes today. It’s been boring sitting in my room but at least I’ve had Zaebos.

Where is he? I think, impatiently.

As soon as Jett heard he began preparing himself and left early this morning with the driver, everyone else was going to be a little later but that’s no problem. Even Valentine will come if one of us calls for help with the signal, or if Henry comes himself but I have been warned he’s too coward or arrogant to come in person but it’s better to always be prepared anyway.

The signal is simple, we touch our tattoo and we channel our powers through it, calling out for someone. We can connect with anyone with the tattoo this way, we can’t talk to them but it’s enough to let them know what type of message it is whether it be; we need help or everything is fine, etc.

Miss Davidson came to my room this morning telling me that someone would come to get me a few minutes before the end of the last class; obviously she thought I would be going to class.

I showed up to the start of every class but disappeared after a few minutes or so. No one noticed my leaving because it’s not like I’ve ever really joined in anyway. All I cared about was them marking me down as present and Miss Davidson would think I’m there and not get suspicious.

There’s only about 15 minutes left of the last period, where is Jett? My eyes scan my surrounding for the thousandth time. I hear a bark and I turn my gaze to an area of bushes a few metres away from me. My heart jumps for joy and relief as a black and grey wolf speeds out through the bushes towards me. I bend down slightly and Jett jumps up to me, licking my face.

I laugh happily, “I’ve missed you so much!” I scratch the soft, long fluffy fur that coats his back. If only he knew how shit I had been feeling.

He barks happily, wagging his tail and panting in a way that makes it look like he’s smiling. I kiss his forehead which makes him lick my cheek; You’ve gone through enough here, Eva. Don’t try and deny it when I say that I can see you have gone through a rough few days.

I smile gently at him; of course Jett would pick it up. Maybe I’ve just let my emotions get too out of hand, seeing my best friend again melts away my worries. I sit down with him and he lays down, resting his head on my leg. “People have just been harsher than normal, but it’s okay. It will all be over soon.” I say my words to reassure him but it also helps me.

Jett snorts, not entirely. Henry might not even show up.

I shrug, “Well then, at least we would have caught some of his loyal follows. What took you so long to get here anyway?”

The driver had to drop me off a few kilometers before the school. It was hard to try and find my way without attracting attention, it wasn’t until I picked up a familiar scent that I finally found a way to get here, turns out I was walking in the wrong direction. Jett eyes blink innocently.

I laugh, “Aw, it’s okay!” I scratch him under his ears and he wags his tail from the touch of my hands.

I pet him for a bit when he suddenly hurriedly gets up, the fur sticking up on his back and his legs leaning in a position ready to run, They’re coming.

I stand up as well, facing in the direction of the oncoming people. Jett hides himself in some bushes behind me, it’s not necessary but if we can surprise them it will be a bonus.

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