Johnson House

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(Picture of the Johnson's house is down below)

(Alex, her mom Beth, her father Brian, her twin brother Dylan, her younger brother Isaac, her younger sister Bella and her younger brother Ryan all moved in next door to the Thundermans)

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(Alex, her mom Beth, her father Brian, her twin brother Dylan, her younger brother Isaac, her younger sister Bella and her younger brother Ryan all moved in next door to the Thundermans)

(The Thunderman's drive way is next to the Johnson's drive way)

(Alex gets out of the Johnson van and has backpack on shoulder and has her pet rabbit Cleopatra on her shoulder)

(Cleopatra is a evil villain that was also turned into a rabbit like Dr. Colosso)

Alex(girl,16)- I don't know why we need to move to Hiddenville when we could have stayed in Metroburg.

Beth- We had to protect our secret because the villain league would find out that you were becoming a villain as well.

Dylan(boy,16)- At least I didn't blow up the science lab this year.

Brian- Dylan we had a discussion and we are not supposed to bring up the science lab incident at all. Now Dylan take a box inside.

Dylan(boy,16)- Ok.

(Dylan grabs box and goes inside)

Brian- Alex grab a box and meet me inside.

Alex(girl,16)- Ok dad.

(Brian carries two boxes and enters house)

(Alex holds box in hand while Cleopatra sits on top of the box)

(Max takes out the trash and puts the trash is trash bin)

(Max stares at Alex but doesn't see her face and Alex walks inside)

(Max enters his house and shuts door)

(Inside the Johnson house)

(In Alex's lair)

(Alex has EVERYTHING Dark Mayhem and EVERYTHING Villain League)

(Alex puts Cleopatra in a Egyptian cage and Alex locks the cage)

Cleopatra(rabbit)- Ah this feels like home.

Alex(girl,16)- Good. Get used to it because that is where you'll be peeing and pooping for the rest of your life.

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