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Full Moon

Despite her taste for bright, sunny days, to just stay there, at her balcony, propping her elbows against the rail staring at the full moon in all her glory was something Lauren found very entertaining, to say the least.

How beautiful, how pure, how far, far away.

Sometimes, when she thought about it, she had this weird idea popping into her head every time, since she was little: maybe the moon was there to watch over her sleep, like a dream-guard or something; maybe she cared about each and every person, and accompanied both their worst nightmares and their happiest dreams. It was a sweet concept, comforting even, to think that maybe, at some place in the universe, there was at least someone who gave two shits about the others and cared the enough to look out for them at the darkest time of the day.

The night was cold and breezy, but she liked it that way. She liked to take in big, refreshing breaths and the sensation of the freezing breeze caressing her pale skin almost to the point of hurting, because that's what made it feel real: pain.

Those nights relaxed her, as if all her worries were forgotten, frozen in time, and she liked that.

Words like violence
Break the Silence

Nonetheless, calm and peace never lasted long enough, not for her, at least. After a while, nights like that would bring to her head so, so many memories, ones darker than others.

Come crashing
Into my little world

"Michael, please, calm down" Mom's begging Dad.

"Get the fuck out of here, Clara! Goddamn it!" Dad's angry, his voice is raspy and his face is red. He has an empty bottle on his left hand.

"Mom, Dad, what's happening?" The door of Dad's study was half open.

"Oh, Michelle, go back to your room I'll be" Mom tries to make you leave.

"Why can't you just fucking understand that I want to be fucking alone right now?!" Dad slaps Mom. Mom falls to the floor. Dad pushes you out of the room and closes the door on your face, before you can do anything. At the other side you hear your Dad's hateful snarls and your Mom's painful cries.

The unmistakable sound of big hands colliding with fragile skin.

Painful to me
Pierce right through me

She released a trembling sigh, closing her eyes shut, gritting her teeth until her jaw hurt and clenching her fists tight until her knuckles turned white.

Think of something else to forget about that, think of something else to forget about that, something else, something else...

"Can't sleep?" Camila. Lauren's eyes snapped open and her head instantly turned towards the melodious sound of the tiny brunette's voice. She was leaning on the doorframe, arms crossed over her chest, smiling softly. The pale girl released a breath she didn't know she was holding and just shook her head 'no'.

"What are you doing out here anyway? It's freezing" Camila walked up to her, shivering a little, hugging herself. Lauren noticed it but had no time to feel guilty about it, because when she took place beside her Camila wrapped one of her slim arms around her waist and put one of Lauren's arms around herself as well "Let's warm each other up" Lauren caressed random patterns over the fabric of Camila's shirt and nuzzled her nose into her cheek affectionately. Camila stood on her tip toes and kissed Lauren's cold forehead.

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