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Yep you heard right! Im adding in a human asshole squipperoo except he loves you!! Anyway onto the adding of suippy. I guess we will keep him called squip tho cause im lame.

How you met:

You and Squip had met at a small café. He was doing homework while drinking a small latté. There was no where to sit so you ended up asking to sit at the same table and he agreed before going back to his math homework. When he was about to leave he slipped you a small note saying 'call me' and his number scribbled on it.

Hanging out includes:

-a lot of homework; he will sit next to you and talk through equations all day.
-a few movies
-popcorn wars.
-you both had to clean the living room once because of the mess.
-sometimes you end up falling asleep so he will just cover you up and then go to bed as well.

Uh oh! Crushio!:

When he realized he liked you he nearly dropped all his books in the hallway. He noticed you in the middle of a rant about the harry potter series and you looked super cute and focused and he felt like he was gonna die in that moment.

Uh oh! Crushio! Pt 2:

He had shown up outside of your window one night and started throwing pebbles at it to get your attention. You were super confused but opened it and looked at him. You let him in quickly once he climbed up and you asked what he was doing to which he just whispered loudly. "I love you!" You giggled slightly confused but blushed and hugged him. "I love you too squippy."

Favrouite thing about you/them:

he loves your imagination. As much as it bothers him that you often will give up on the stories you start writing, he still loves to read them and listen to you go on and on about ficional worlds your mind could conjour up.

You love his bright blue eyes and his hair. You could sit and stare into his eyes all day long if he'd let you and play with his hair. He secretly loves it but denies it to save face.

Favorite place to kiss you:

Squip is the type of guy that wont kiss you in public but in private he can be all over you with no shame. He loves to kiss your neck or specfically your LEFT shoulder blade. He will walk right up behind you and start kissing those spots and just not let you go for hours.

First date:

He picked you up around six and took you to a fancy dinner. It was quite cutsey since you two got to sit alone on a balcony and just talk. You guys ended up splitting a small milkshake and decided to take a walk after dinner. You guys walked for a while before he took you home and kissed your hand at the door.

How you cuddle:

Squip likes to have a bit of space when he sleeps but knows you like to cuddle so he just loosely wraps his arms around you and lets you nuzzle into his neck. He doesnt necessarily hate cuddling so sometimes he will hold you closer but not very often.

Your guys music list:
-Heart Shape Hologram by Stephanie Mabey
-Blue Lips by Regina Spektor
-Boats and Birds by Gregory and the hawk
-Love me dead
- Bubble Gum by clario

Second date:
Squip of course decided to keep it classy again. He wanted it to be perfect and not even one step wasnt planned. He took you out to eat at a nice resturant just like your first date but this time it was a little quieter. You guys listened to music and went for a drive afterwards before he dropped you off at home later that night.

//and here you go my lovelies!! Squip had been added! I know most people call him Eric but i just cant bring myself to call him that??? So if you have any ideas just comment and tell me!! Thank you!  
                                          ~Little Devil

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