Accidents and Coffee

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"Han, do we really have to go into every store you see?" Emily complained as they came out of another show store with three more bags.

"Yes, Aria agrees with me, don't you Ar?" Hanna insists, looking to Aria for back-up, who was at the back of their small group.

"Anything you say Han." She laughs as she tries to keep up.

"Are your tiny legs slowing you down there or do you need me to help you with your million bags you are attempting to carry?" Spencer jokes as Aria hands half of her bags to Spencer,who had only a couple of her own bags.

"Hey, there is nothing wrong with short legs, they can still kick." Aria says with mock anger.

Their converations remained light, probably due to the recent capture of A and the halting of threatening messages. They were just about to duck into the brew when Aria spotted something out of the corner of her eye. A girl, maybe a little older than herself walking across the road with a car hurtling around the corner and towards her at a startling pace. Riding on pure instinct Aria drops all of the bags that she was holding and launches herself towards the girl. She pushes them both to the ground and out of the way of the vehicle that didn't even stop.

"Ow, sorry I landed on you." Aria makes out as she climbs off of the girl and onto the concrete beside her.

"Oh my God Aria! Are you okay?" Spencer yells as she rushes over to her friend.

"I'm fine, a little sore but nothing too bad." Aria then focuses on the girl on the ground next to her. "Are you alright?"

"I'm fine, thanks to you that is." She was clearly still in shock from what had happened. "You saved my life."

"It was nothing, don't worry about it."

"It was my life." She says with a mock serious face, enjoying the look of panic on the shorter girl's facewhen she begins to panic."I'm kidding, you can breathe."

"Hilarious." Aria mutters with a pout as she pulls herself and the stranger off the ground witha little help from her friends. She then notices the spilt coffee on the ground. "Sorry about your coffee, I'll get you a new one, come on."

The mysterious girl only laughs. "You saved my life, I'm buying you coffee."

"seriously?" Aria asks with a single,perfect eyebrow raised.

"Seriously and I'm taking you to dinner." She says confidently.

"Is that so?" Aria begins to join in with the girl's gentle flirting, after all she is beautiful with long brown hair cascading down her back and clear definition of muscles that don't give up an ounce of feminity.

Hanna cuts in their flirting from where she was watching them with Spencer and Emily, who were clearly in shock from what they were seeing. "What Aria means to say is yes. You should go now, see you later Ar." With that she turned away dragging the other girls behind her.

"There is hours until it's time for dinner yet Han." Aria shouted at the girls' turned backs.

"Go watch a movie then." Came the reply.

The mysterious girl simply stood and chuckled at the exchange. "So what movie do you wanna watch my hero?"

"You don't have to do that. Hanna can be a bit pushy sometimes." Aria reasons with the slightly taller girl. "I mean we don't even know each oher's names."

"Well in that case I'm Lexa, Lexa Woods and I have gathered that you are Aria so movie date?" She asks with a small smile, now turning to being slightly shy in the face of a possible rejection.

"Aria Montgomery. A movie date sounds amazing but only if we get popcorn."


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