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Lexa had set a quick pace as she clung onto Aria's hand gently but firmly. Neither girl could remember when their hands have become entwined but neither could resist the warm heat that spread through them like a wildfire at the simple touch that should be way too intimate for strangers but for some reason walking to the movie theater together like this gave them both an unusual sense of security. 

"So I was thinking an action film but that isn't the most romantic thing to watch on a first date, you know? It's like, 'hey, great to see you, look there's an explosion that killed forty people.' Not exactly a turn on. Okay, now I'm rambling, sorry." Aria blurted out as they swung their arms out in front of them rhythmically. 

Lexa simply chuckled at the shorter girl, finding every aspect of her personality endearing. "An action would be fine but personally I prefer the oldies, the black and whites preferably." 

Aria's eyes lit up at the notion of another person willingly watching a black and white film with her, not even Spencer is willing to endure them. Lexa felt Aria's strong gaze burning into her cheek and kept making small glances at her but she wasn't looking away. "Is your internal mainframe rebooting or something? You're staring at me, Is it the films? We don't have to watch what I want, barely anyone likes black and white films." It was Lexa's turn to ramble, which surprised her as she was known for always being cool and collected, able to put up a perfect mask that hides all of her inner feelings but it appears that the shorter girl had just catapulted herself over every wall that she had built up over the years in only a matter of minutes and for some reason she felt okay with that.

They locked eyes for a few seconds, their walk slowing down as Aria let out a loud laugh, It continued on for several minutes until Lexa couldn't help but join in so there they were laughing their heads off in the middle of the street, ignoring the questioning glances they were receiving from passers by. As the laughter eventually died down Aria finally spat out a few words, "Sorry, I was just thinking about how you couldn't be any more perfect, i mean seriously, I usually have to wait until at least the third date before letting out that i love black and white movies just so I don't scare them away."

"I don't understand how anyone could be scared away by you, you are enchanting." Lexa breathed out. 

Aria was at a loss of words by the sincerity in Lexa's voice and simply ducked her head as she blushed profusely. Lexa immediately brought up their still entwined hands and lifted her head up again so their eyes could meet. "Please don't look away, I could happily stare into your eyes for the rest of my life if you would let me."

"Do you always have to be so smooth?" Aria forced out after a moment.  Lexa simply chuckled at her and then turned so they can continue walking. 

"I wouldn't call my nonsensical blabbering smooth but thank you, I'm really glad you agreed to do this with me, this is a lot better than what I had planned today."

"You had plans? I'm sorry, we can do this another time if you have something you need to do." Aria was distraught at the thought of messing up another person's day for her selfish needs. 

"Hey, don't worry. I would pick a date with you any day with a date with my couch." Lexa couldn't help but feel touched at the compassion and selflessness that radiated off of the smaller girl. 

"You had me worried for a second there." 

They were finally coming up to the movie theater so they had descended back into a gentle conversation about which movie to watch until they had agreed upon watching 'It Happened One Night.' Once they got up to the ticket booth aria had insisted on buying the tickets so in retaliation Lexa bought the biggest bucket of Popcorn available and dropped t onto Aria's lap as they took their seats in the back corner.

"Please tell me you're not going to do this every date that we have." Aria giggled as she threw some popcorn in the air and caught in in her mouth flawlessly.

"Every date? Do you know something I don't?" Lexa teased although inwardly her heart was pounding relentlessly at the mere thought of spending more time with this goddess. 

"Oh please little miss 'I want to stare into your eyes for eternity' we both know this isn't going to end with just one date." 

This time it was Lexa that held a strong blush up her neck and over her cheeks which made Aria smirk triumphantly. "Hey the movie is starting." Lexa nudged the girl next to her and they both turned to the screen. 

Within minutes the girls had shifted their body weight until they were leaning towards each other slightly. After another few minutes they had shifted again so that the arm rest was up and out of their way so that their sides could brush and the popcorn was now placed on the empty seat beside Aria. By the time they were half way through the movie Aria was pressed into Lexa's side with her arm resting over her shoulder and her fingers resting in the spaces between Aria's but neither girl acknowledged the movements as being inappropriate as they felt completely safe and comfortable with each other. 

None of their movements had been sexual in any way but they still felt an undeniable connection between them. As the credits began to roll they were forced to acknowledge the position they had been sitting in but oddly enough they weren't ashamed or embarrassed. "Told you we can't end this here." Aria said as she pulled the taller girl up and towards the entrance by her hand.

"You still up for dinner?" Lexa asked timidly, unsure if she was overstepping any boundaries. 

"Actually, I'm not really in the mood for going out." Lexa's face dropped but immediately became impassive a few seconds later as her walls began to reform. "Could we go for take-out instead?" Once again the walls tumbled back down and a small smile reappeared on her face.

"Pizza? We could order it when we get to my place, my couch is missing me." Lexa proposed. 

"Well I can't get in the way of your loving relationship now can I?" Aria giggled, "Lead the way." 

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