Chapter #3: Sparks Fly.

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Hoi im back peeps. Im bored of calling y'all my fans or readers or guys or girl or anything so I want a specific name for all my readers that take a liking to my books and/or follow me. Comment that down below. Remember dont be afraid on to say what I should call you all. I won't judge you.


Swifty P.O.V

I stopped letting myself getting dragged by Siren and I let my anger fuel me and I ran to the office very fast. Like fast I outran Siren and now I can't see him behind me fast. I didnt slow down. We all made it to where Snazzy was and I bust the door open hard. We saw Snazzy sitting with his head down. He raised his head. "DID YOU HURT HER?!" Me and Siren yelled together.


I was in class not even paying attention. First, Xahji AND Snazzy are hurt. Second, MY CAMERA IS GONE! I started freaking out when I found out.
I couldn't imagine what hands my camera is in. It could be a bully and they could delete all the pictures. Could be kept by someone and I can't ever see it again. Or maybe- NO! I can't think like that! Focus on the main problem. Xahji and Snazzy. Oh god im super worried. What if...

Snazzy P.O.V

I look directly at Xahji's dull and motionless body. Chest rising up and down slowly signaling breathing. I couldn't hold my tears back. I couldn't fight my emotions on her anymore. I liked- No. I loved her. I didn't want to since she might have been trying to seduce my brother. Now that I known she wasn't going to. I stopped being overly protective. By now the tears turned to waterfalls.

Two hours later.

I fell asleep at her side since I woke up to see the clock two hours after and to see a few jocks and nerds. They didn't noticed I was awake so I closed my eyes again. They were talking in a whisper trying to wake me up. I focused on one of the halfy mean jock.
"Shh I'm going to scare him awake guys." She said. I guessed it was Undyne or SkaterGirl. So when she snuck behind me. Right when she was going to scare the living day lights out of me. I jump up and turned to her. Very fast and I whisper yelled. "BOO!" She yelped and fell backwards. I saw who it was and it was Undyne. Her yelp was girly and highpitched. I snorted and laughed quietly. She gave me a death glare. She punched me on the shoulder. I calmed down and Undyne calmed down, aswell as the others who laughed quietly. I suddenly feel someone put his or her hand in mines. I look behind me and see Xahji's in mine. Her eyes are open. She smiled. I smiled and hugged her. By that time everyone decided to leave to give us time. I can hear the room door close. I pulled away from the hug and look Xahji in the eyes. She looks into mines. We lean in. I suddenly feel her "lips" onto mine. Sparks flew. I opened my mouth as she did with hers aswell. I entered her and we fought for domain. Me winning obviously. Its starts to get really heated. I noticed that she is off everything and might still be here for rest. I sit down on the bed. She gets up on my lap.
((Gods why am I writing this))
We pull away for air. Then we get back to making out. She starts to slide her hand down and in my shirt.
"Sorry guys I just left my ph- Oh. OHH UM I'LL JUST BUY A NEW ONE." PJ runs out after seeing us. We are both a blushing mess.




Xahji X Snazzy, The Broken Daughter Of AfterdeathWhere stories live. Discover now