Old not good life

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Holland was 17. She thought she met the guy of her life..Brent. Both been through a lot tougher. But that was what she thought what kept them tighter. 2001 her eldest was born Kathleen (the marriage hasn't even begin yet), 2003 Trenton was born (the marriage was only a year old) , 2010 Madison was born. About 2 years after that Brent and Hollands marriage was getting worse.

Brent started drinking and texting girls. Then he started getting into fights with Holland over little things. Even with Kathleen and Trenton like, eating cereal at lunch time. Holland thought something was up.

Steroids. He was taking steroids. Making him so mad. Liquor would do that to him also. Not a good mix. One night he got arrested for punching in there front window. With Kathleen and Madison there. Then he got meaner with Holland. Locked her in a bathroom and made her climb out a window and was cheating on her. That's when she realized the marriage was over.

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