Chapter 1

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A word from the author: HEYYYYYYY lol sorry so this is my second ever book but i gave up on the first so hey let's start with a fresh brand new start. OH and I don't own anything from this story im writing well i own the plot i make fo- Haha sorry i ramble a lot anyways enjoy~ Don't forget i am making the charter do what i would do sorry.

What the things mean (IDK what they are called)

(y/n)- Your name 

(l/n)- Last name

(h/l) -Hair length 

(h/c)- Hair color

  (ntte or ie) - Brunette ect or blondie ect

if there is more ill let you know 0-0 Anyways onto the story~


 You were walking. Where to someone may ask? The 'hell hole' as you put it, but most other people call it school. Man, why do I have to walk this much my feet hurt I think to myself. With a sigh I look up seeing the gate of the beloved school, oh joy.

Now all i have to do is go see the scary principle, something about needing to talk about being moved to E-class, double joy!

I drag my feet as I see the dreaded door. Sigh* guess i have to i mumble under my breath.

With a deep breath I knock twice , "Come in." The bland voice of the principal replies to your knock.

" Hello Sir, you said we needed to talk about E-class?" You question 

"Yes," And with that he explains about Koro-Sensei

"Oh i see." you state a smirk making its way onto your lips, but you hide it. Man a chance to kill my teach let alone the 'creature' that destroyed 70% of the moon, this will be fun. Maybe even a challenge I mean all the gangs who fight me are to easy to kill along with the students at this school.

" This is Tadaomi Karasuma the Phy Ed teacher in E-class he will tell you more information about 3E" Principal Asano says to you.

"Ok." I replied boredly. You started walking to the door and the Karasuma guy follows.

" Your name is (y/n) (l/n), correct." You nod your head in agreement. you were one of few words.

"Anyways the creature likes to be called Koro sensei, and you should know that normal knifes and guns don't work. So here are the guns and knives that work, i'll see you tomorrow when you start at 3E." He states handing you a bag full of rubber weapons which you put in your bad.

"ok." you say before you walk off.

"LOOK isn't that the B**** that got demoted to 3E from A class." Says a guy and his group that always has a bone to pick with you. You just ignore them and walk past.

 "Where do you think your going!?!" The guy yells grabbing your arm forcing you to look into his eyes

"Did you not learn your lesson last time you picked a fight with me,oh wait i forgot~ that your stupid so you probably can't even remember what you had for lunch let alone that i beat your a**." you state smirking 

"You B****!" the guy screams as he recoiles his arm and punches you which causes you to fall.

"Hmm~ I See you punches got a little stronger but your still a wimp." you tease the boy as you stand up. In the corner of your eye you see a glimpse of red, who cares though.

"Let's end this quick I want to go home and drink tea." You say in monotone

 With that they run at you.One swings a punch at you, grabbing their arm you pull it till you hear a crack. With that you throw them on the ground.Another comes at you, rolling your eyes you grab the by the face and push them into a nearby wall. letting go they fall to the ground in which you return you next hit to his stomach, it comes in the form of a kick, which turns into several more kicks.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~TimeSkip to one person left~~~~~~~~~~

The leader was the only one left. You stand 15 meters from him with blotches of blood on your cloths.

"Man now i have to wash this outfit you'll have to pay for that~" You say with a sadistic grin, the guy visibly gulps.

You charge at him, as you are almost there you jump up raping your legs around his torso knocking him down, you throw your fist at his face about 15 times before you realize he passed out. standing up you dust off your clothes.

"All bark  no bite, i did not even break a sweat,I Was hoping for a challenge but i guess that was not it."You say to yourself

"That was impressive~" A voice calls.S*** I thought there were no witnesses, mentally curse yourself.

Turning around you see a male with red hair and golden eyes with a sadistic grin spread across his face.He starts to walk closer.Oh hell NAH.

As he draws closer you turn swiftly and and dash away just wanting to get home so you can watch anime and drink tea with some pocky.

"Heh~ not so fast (H/c)(ntte or ie)." The red head muses as he grasps your arm.

"Look Red, Im in no mood to fight or chit chat i just want to go home." You say 

"What's your name?" he questions you

"None of your business." you state blandly prying off you arm from his hand

You start to walk away but he stands in your way. you push past him

"Fine heh~ ill find out myself" he states 

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End of chapter one~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

A word from the author: Sorry it was short hope you liked :3 Bye Bye~

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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