I've always liked to keep the stuff that I owned to myself, in fact it would nearly drive me insane if I saw someone using my stuff without permission,
but the reason why im saying this now is...because its gotten worse I cant stand to see someone get anywhere near anything that I own, I'd rather die than share.
you know that phrase that people say Sharing is Caring...well I hate it when people say that, it just makes me burn with anger...i-it makes me just wanna stitch there mouths shut
so they can never ever say that dreaded phrase again.
The other day my mom tried to make me share with my sister, long story short she wont be saying "Sharing is Caring" EVER again! Not after what I did, ok enough about that...now don't you think that caring is more like hiding and keeping to your self...WELL I THINK SO! life seems a lot more peaceful when you hide what you have, cause otherwise the endless war of who has what and what to share just never ends.
See why I always burn up inside when someone lectures me about not being greedy, its well cause I never wanted to be greedy I just wanted to end the seemingly endless fight between my siblings and I, but hey you cant lecture someone if your dead...My things should be mine and no one elses, mine mine all mine. No one can touch anything of mine if they aren't there. anymore.