Saturday Detention

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Mr. Matthews pulled into the school parking lot.

"Again, I'm really sorry I got detention, Dad."

"It's ok, Riley. You just need to learn from your mistakes. No more fighting with other students. Why were you fighting with Maya in the first place? I thought you two were best friends."

"We were but stuff happened. I really don't want to talk about it right now."

"Fine.  Go in then, you don't want to be late."

"Ok. Bye, Dad."

Katy Hart was the next to pull into the parking lot with Maya.

"Maya, this better not become a regular thing. Don't forget what your P.O. said. You're lucky you only got detention for what you did. No more picking fights with people. And no bringing weapons to school. Do you understand me, young lady?"

"It was just a pocket knife and I wasn't going to actually use it."

Maya's mom looked her in the eyes dead serious.

"Fine, mom. I'll try to behave. I'm gonna be late. Bye, mom."

"Don't forget, Maya, you were supposed to stay with your dad this weekend and he's a little upset that he can't see you now."

"Whatever. I'll call him later."

"Maya, you know how important I think it is that you have a relationship with your father. I told him you'd stay with him next weekend. That's if you don't get detention again."

"Fine. I'll really try to behave. Bye."

Maya walked into the library exactly at 8:30. Principal Yancy came in.

"Detentionees, you will be staying here until 1:00. You will be given time to eat lunch. Work on anything you want quietly so long as it abides by the school's code of conduct. No talking and do not leave the building. I will be in my office and if I hear anyone talking it'll cost you more Saturdays." Yancy collected their phones and left.

Maya looked around the room at her fellow "delinquents"— Riley, the popular goody two shoes; Lucas, the arrogant jock; and Farkle, the school's genius. 

They hadn't all been in the same room since freshman year. After their falling out, they pretty much broke into pairs and ignored everyone else; Farkle and Smackle, Lucas and Zay, Riley and Maya. Smackle and Zay didn't have detention so they didn't have to be there.

Lucas and his new jock friends were rude to everyone including Riley and Maya, but Zay never partook in this behavior. Smackle and Farkle were so wrapped up in their studies they pretty much ignored everything else in the world. Riley and Maya were friends through to sophomore year until they started drifting apart. They had made new friends but they were still on good terms until the incident a couple days ago.

Riley was looking at her nails, Lucas was mindlessly twirling a pencil, Farkle was doing homework, and Maya was sitting with her feet up on the desk observing them. It was quiet for 10 minutes until Maya spoke. "So Huckleberry, why are you here?"

"I didn't do anything."

"Then what are you doing here on this fine Saturday morning?"

"Farkle, why don't you tell them."

"I was hacking into the school's grade system to change Lucas's grades, but we got caught."

Lucas chimed in, "I didn't get caught. Farkle ratted me out when he got caught. That's why we're both here."

"Why were you changing Lucas's grades?" Maya asked.

"Because he threatened to beat me up if I didn't," Farkle responded.

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