Episode 1

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"America": Alrighty, then! Let's start the World Conference! Let's resolve problems all over the world one by one! Even if its a tough problem, if we work together, I'm sure things'll turn out okay! Please express your candid opinions here!

As he was talking the countries "Belgium", "Spain", "Sweden", and "Finland" were introduced.

"America": Well then, I'll go first! About that global warming thing everyone is talking about, I think we'll be okay if we create a huge hero and have him protect the Earth. By the way, no one's allowed to disagree, okay?

"Japan": I'm okay with what Mr.America says.

"Switzerland": Again?! Tell us what you think, Japan!

"England": I'm against it. I can't agree with such an unrealistic suggestion. And don't say "learned." What is this "learned"?! Its "learnt," you idiot!

"France": Then I shall have to disagree with both England and America.

"England": Which is it?!

"America": Geez, is disagreeing with me your hobby or something?-

"France": Agreeing with you guys is distasteful.-

"America": You should find some other hobby that's more fun.

"France": Unlike you guys, I'm more of a gentleman.

"England": Don't make an important decision based on taste, you wine-loving bastard!

"China": Again? You guys never grow up.-

"England": Sit right there. I'll pull all your whiskers today for sure!

"China": Be a little more mature.-

"France": Oh? You wanna fight? I'll take you on!-

"Japan": Please calm down.-

"China": I'll give you these snacks. Have some and calm down.

"France" & "England": Don't want 'em.

"Spain": Say, Russia. Aren't you gonna say something?-

"England": You can't take me down with such an attack!-

"Spain": Say something to them.-

"France": Take this! Britannia Fork!

"Russia": What? Me? I wanna see Lithuania get in big trouble, then cry to me for help. You think so, too, right Latvia?

"Estonia": You shouldn't pick on the weak, Mr.Russia.

"Russia": Man, your seriously annoying.

"Poland": Stop right there. If you get any closer to Lithuania, I'll whip out the Poland Rule on you and make Warsaw your capital.

"Greece": Zzzzzzzzzzz

"Antarctica": I hate talking to others its just so uncomfortable and don't you get tired of fighting?

"America": Nice fight! Oh yeah, I'm hungry.-

"France": How dare you, you former delinquent!-

"America": Do they have hamburgers here?

"England": Now I'm really pissed!-

"China": Ai ya! They don't need me!-

"England": Come on! I'll beat the crap out of you for another 100 years!-

"Japan": Please, everyone. Calm down.-

"Antarctica": Its no use Japan they won't listen to you just like they don't listen to me.

"Germany": That's enough, all of you!

"France" & "England": Germany...

"Germany": This conference is to resolve problems, so why are we creating more?! As it stands, we're repeating the "Dancing Congress"! We should calm down and discuss these matters. If you want to say something, first show clear and accurate data! And then talk! You'll have 8 minutes to talk. That's a strict rule! There will be no exceeding that time and no chit-chatting! Now, if you want to go first, make sure you're prepared and raise your hand.

A hand is raised.

"Germany": Okay, then, I'll cede the floor to you italy!

"Italy": Pasta! "


Germany: It is said that long ago in this land, there lived a man who conquered the Mediterrenean Sea and obtained all the worlds wealth. His name was Roman Empire. The worlds wealth, fame and vast land... One day, the man who'd gained them all disappeared.

Then, during WW1...

Germany: I'm supposed to be fighting a descendent of Rome right now... This is strange. I easily crossed the border with just a wooden stick. I've never had such an easy cross-border trip. I had time to eat some wurst! When I find enemies, they disappear somewhere in a hurry. Am I dreaming? No, I still can't let my guard down. Its him we're talking about. He must have some sort of plan.

???: So I see your looking for the bastard as well.

Germany: Huh?! Who the hell are you?! Are you one of the decendent's army?!

???: No, I'm the country Antartica and I came here to look for him also.

Germany: Huh! So your country wants the decendent as well! Well I'm sorry but you can't have him! Germany will have the Roman Empires decendent!( I realised how funny it sounds as I was writing this! :) )

Antarctica: Don't worry I don't want him. He invited me over but he must have heard someone was coming for him so it explains why I couldn't find him.

Germany: Oh, I'm sorry. Anyways it sounds like you have met him before, so what is your relationship with him?

Antarctica: I promised his grandfather that I would watch over him so I did exactly that as we were growing up. I can also tell your surprised by how calm I am well don't think I'm always calm because I can take my anger out on someone or something when I feel like it. Anyway let's look for the bastard together so that way we can both beat the shit out of him. What do you think?

Germany: I usually wouldn't agree to these kind of agreements with other countries but I feel as though you have no reason to go behind my back so its fine with me.

As Germany and Antartica search so more the come across a crate of tomatoes.


Once upon a time, in a house called the Roman Empire...

Chibi Italy: Its next to big brother France's house.

The newborn Italy lived with various other countries. But one day, Italy's grandfather took him and Antarctica, and left this house. For a while, Italy spent his time drawing and singing with his grandfather while Antartica spent her time being outside and watched over Italy knowing what a clumsy little bastard he is or how he could get himself in trouble and would have to help him. Italy was very good at drawing so his grandfather was delighted and so was Antarctica because this meant she had a way of keeping him out of trouble.

Chibi Italy: Its fun to draw pictures. Somehow I feel so Renaissance. I wanna show this to big brother France, Roman Empire and my big brother that I haven't met yet. I can't wait to see everyone.

But when he met them again...

Roman Empire: Become part of the Roman Empire with me!

Romano: My little brother? My status is higher than his, right?

Antacrtica: Huh?! They became assholes!


Roman Empire: Stop! Become part of the Holy Roman Empire!

Chibi Italy: Nooooo!

Antarctica: *swing* How many times do I have to tell you?! Italy doesn't want to join you! And now have a taste of my *swing* scythe!

I do not own hetalia! Just my character Antarctica!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 09, 2014 ⏰

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