NeverWinter Nights

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The frozen north, the name given, to the stark, and unforgiving frontier that lies beyond the High Moor of Fraylem. a bleak wilderness- Where barbarian clans, and tribes- of giants roam the land, and Fierce dragons- rule the skys. Amyst the frozen savagery a Vast civilization, the city of NeverWinter, jewel of the north. 

Behind the city walls those both hardy and brave carve out their existance- from this bleak land under the guidance of legendary Hero, Lord Nasher Alagondiare. Yet there are some things, no courage in the world can stand against 

A violent plague swept the city, a terrible affliction that started in the beggars nest. soon all in NeverWinter would feel the touch of the wailing death. the Disease could not be cured- panic consumed. the jewel of the north was brought down to its knees- to save Neverwinter, Lady Airibeth De Tylmerand, Paladin of Tyr, Lord Nasher's right hand put forth a call for a champion. 

A rush- of would be heros answered her call, some drawn by the promises of grandeur and glory, others- the lure of gold 

Those with the greatest potential were enrolled into the academy to train and study- under the greatest minds of never winter, all in vain hopes of a champion emergeing, to cure the wailing death- and whatever sinister force might be behind it. 

One morning a young warrior Lady Harthor awoke from a terrifying dream, her parents were killed by the wailing death, just added to the horror of the dream she awoke with a start pulled on her clothes and suited her armor to get ready for training practice,as she pulled her tunic off the dresser silver scars shone on her skin, like tattoos on her body, awaken by the sunlight. her Short, wild unruly red curls pulled in a Small messy bun- she strode out of her room. the academy guard walked over, " Finally ! i thought you would never wake," Pavel said happily. " I had no choice sir, its almost practice, and i had a bad dream." Harthor answered a wry smile on her face. " i still find it strange. i never heard of anyone being invited to the academy." Pavel said the tied lines faded away. "Usually people are begging to get in. it must be an honor." he said blithely. " it is both an Honor and a privilege to serve NeverWinter" 

Harthor said, biting her lip "you are pretty modest for someone with such a high expectation on your head. wasn't quite so easy for me to get in." he said wistfully "me and my brother bim and i were working on a farm until we heard Lady Aribeth put forth the call for heroes to come to never winter, we knew the city was suffering, but we didn't know how bad it was 'till we got here. we arrived before they closed the gates and quarantined the city. thank Tyr we got accepted into the academy, i wouldn't want to be out there- in the streets with the plague" he looked at Harthor's slightly pained look and remembered what happened to her parents " I had better get to class," Harthor said her voice broke " yeah and Airbeth was looking for you, be careful she usually dosent call people in unless there in trouble" he joked. " I'll try my best," Harthor retorted and shifted her sword to her shoulder making Pavel jump a little. she smiled and ran off.she met Bim and ran to magic training accidently shooting someone with a magic missile, acquired her familiar and went to rogue class. her new armor was stunning silver she slipped her hair out and replaced her silver sword with long twin blades, she ran to Lady Airbeths room. she was like the principle. " Yes Harthor, i have needed to speak with you," she sang, her almost brown hair was as shiny as her armor. " your training at the academy is complete. may the blessings of Tyr be upon you!" she motion toward Harthor's and her Wolf familiar and blessed them both smiling brightly her elfish ears pricked. Lady Aribeth had long hair a almost bronze color, she was shorter than most (because she is half elf half human.) and her skin was 

a pale alabaster her lips a light pink. " i have been looking forward to Officially meeting you, no one has ever graduated this early in all the years this academy has existed. all of the instructors have spoken very highly of your skills." she continued 

" perhaps after the graduation ceremony we can speak in private as you will be the only second semester student amongst the rest, NeverWinter could use a good fighter like you." she looked quickly around the room and her expression turned somewhat calm again. " we should arrange. . . wait! what was that? could you feel it?" she said all remains of calmness washed away pure authority was left the few people in the room jumped as well. " Brace yourselves we are under attack!" she finished unveiling a long sword with the Never winter emblem on it and the peace corrupted into Chaos. just then there were four manges surrounding the room soon Lady Aribeth's team dwindled down to 3 people they were out numbered " we must find the waterdaveian creatures!" one said. Lady airibeth sliced into one man's armor with one lethal blow. he fell to the floor, behind her was another one he shot her with a fire spell- her shield blocked most of it and her armor kept her from being burned at all. Harthors wolf was guarding her and Harthor was hardly scratched. soon it was over a gruesome scene left behind, "i must speak with you!" lady airibeth called. 'listen to me there is not much time. I fear this is no random attack we have suffered!" she said regaining control of herself "as you may have already known- there are a number of creatures that have been brought here from water deep. it was beleved a spell for a cure could be extracted from them." she said slightly hastily. "we have tryed to keep our information secret but it apprars it is well known even to our enemys!" she continued. " what enemys?" Hathor said. " Neverwinter has many enemys. some declare themselves openly. like the city of lusken others keep there identity's secret, striking from the shadows. I do not know who might be behing this attack, but tis obvious they are here to end our hopes of ending the wailing death." she said her silver sword now painted a ruby red. " you must protect the waterdavian creatures, they must not be alowed to fall into the enemy's hands." she said with quiet urgency. "where are the Waterdavian creatures?" Harthor said. "I would take you to the creatures myself, if i could.But i fear my presents might make protecting the creatures difficult,if not- impossible. even now i feel the enemy could be watching us." airibeth continued, "how would they know you would be here?" Harthor questioned " our attackers appeared here in this room, i fear this attack was magically centered on me. they must have assued i would be with the waterdeep creatures." she slowly shook her head back and forth, as if to shake-off the memory. "Just Take this Key, it will Open the Doorway To the east in the Hall way. I shall stay here, My presence will draw The Enemy away from the Creatures They Seek," 

Just Then The Earth Rumbled Beneath their feet. "Hurry, There is not much time! Make your way down the Hall and into the Chambers Down the east Corridor. That is Where The Waterdavian Beasts are Kept!" Just as Harthor and her Wolf Got out the door they had heard a battle cry, Harthor ran down the hall. She re-traced her foot steps all the way to her Room Slaughtering any Goblins in her Path. Bim lie Dead on the floor. Harthor Found the Entry Hall. She started Down The east Corridor the Terrible smell of Rotting Flesh Tore throgh the room. A Mage Stood Before Her. He made a disgusted Sound. "What? You Survived! Matters Not You shall Die Here." He casted a Spell and He Dissipated Leaving Two Goblins In his place

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