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Deep purple eyes opened to a clear white room. The bright light made the creature squint its eyes. Carefully it opened its eyes again looking around the room. It was entirely made out of quartz and blue lanterns lit up the space. Its eyes landed on a figure in front of him, it was a man. He wore a cyan blue shirt with dark blue pants. Chocolate brown hair fell in his neck and two light blue stared at him. The creature looked curiously at the man who gave him a warm smile.

'Welcome' The man spoke.

His voice was deep and warm, and it made the creature feel safe. It reached its hand out to the man, it was small like it belonged to a child. 

'Can you talk?' The man asked calmly.

The creature tilted its head, its dark brown hair with a strand of purple shifted ever so slightly. The man chuckled at its confusion, but not in a mean way. 

'You can make sounds, which you can form into words, once you try it should come to you naturally' He said, explaining the confusion.

The creature frowned and opened its mouth as if trying to make sounds.

'T.. T-ta.. lk...?' The man's smile widened. Seeing the smile made the creature feel proud of itself. 

'Yes, well done' The man said proudly, his smile never leaving his face.

The creature returned the smile happily and then continued looking around again.

'W-where..?' It started, but it was obvious it still had trouble with speaking.

'Where you are? You are in the Aether' The man answered its question.

Once again it tilted its head. 

'Aether..?' It questioned the man.

'Yes, its the realm of gods, like me' The creature hang to every word spoken and it looked like it was studying the man.

'Gods?' It now spoke more clearly, getting the hang of it.

'Let me explain, my name is Herobrine. My brother, Notch, and I rule this realm and created the world called Minecraftia, which we watch over and protect.' The man, called Herobrine, said.

'Do I have a name..?' The creature asked carefully. 

'Ofcourse, you're name is Ender, which is short for Enderdragon. I have created you' Herobrine said calmly.

'Ender..' The young Ender said, practicing his own name. 'Why did you create me?' He asked his creator.

'I have created you to protect the people of Minecraftia and help them in times of need. You're the first ever dragon to exist' Herobrine explained to him. 

'Dragon?' Ender asked curious. 

Herobrine hummed and waved his hand. Out of thin air a mirror appeared in front of Ender. He could now see himself clearly for the first time in his short existence. His hair was a dark brown, almost black like, with a strand of purple that annoyingly fell in front of his eyes. His eyes were a deep violet and gave a soft glow. He wore a simple black shirt and some black pants. But the most noticeable thing were the two large wings that spread from his back and the tail that fell behind him. The scales were pitch black and the wings matched his eye color along with the end of his tail. His tail was aligned with several spikes which looked sharp to the touch. 

Carefully Ender spread his wings and looked himself over for a few minutes before returning his gaze to his creator. His creator he thought, he searched his mind and found all the basic knowledge about this world. When he looked up again he smiled brightly at the god.

'So you're my dad!' He exclaimed happily. This made Herobrine's heart melt and he returned the smile. 

'Ofcourse' He answered the child happily. 'Come on now, lets go outside and introduce you to the world' 


'NOTCH YOU CAN'T DO THIS!' Herobrine stood angrily in front of his brothers throne. 'YOU LET FEAR GUIDE YOU!' He shouted, his voice desperate and angry. 

Notch looked at him with cold steel eyes. 'I'm sorry brother, but you would not listen, therefore you gave me no choice' He spoke calmly, seemingly unfazed by the situation. 

Herobrine stood trapped in the middle of a glowing circle with barriers surrounding it. He slammed his fist in hopes of breaking the magical wall that kept him in. His eyes were wide and desperate for a way out. He looked up at this brother who still sat calmly on his throne.

'Please Notch! Listen to reason!' He begged his brother. His eyes were pleading. But to no avail, Notch wasn't swayed by any of it.

'I told you to dispose of Ender, you created a creature on the same height and intelligence as us, he is a danger to us all' Notch simply spoke.


Notch stood up from his throne and walked towards the circle that his younger brother was trapped inside. 'I'm sorry brother' He said before raising his hands, summoning immense power.

'For betraying us by creating a powerful dangerous creature I, Notch, will hereby banish you to the Nether for all of eternity' Notch spoke as the circle's glow intensified. 

The ground fell away revealing a pit of black mist, Herobrine's eyes widened as he realized what would happen to him.

'NOTCH!' He yelled out but he had no longer anything to stand on and fell into the dark pit.

He landed with a thud on a rough dark red surface, heat surrounding him in an instant. Herobrine slowly stood up and looked out to the hellish realm what he was now banished to. His irises slowly disappeared as anger took over, his eyes now shining a bright white.

'I will promise you this brother....

You will pay for this..'

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