Chapter 7

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Chapter 7: writing music

It was weekend and I don't have any plans. Yet my dad is still dissapointed in me about lying to him about the date yesterday. I said sorry multiple times but it doesn't seem to work.

I just laid down in my bed, watching some of my favourite youtubers as in Joe Sugg or Caspar Lee. They were cute. I was in the middle of a video when I got 2 texts at the same time.

From Blake:
Wanna hang with me and the boys, we're writing some music and need your opinion! :)

And the other one.

From Bradley:
The boys and I are trying to put a little set list together for the school party, we need your help! Xx

Shit they both need me or want me around whatever. I can't let my friends down I need to go to Blake's

To Blake:
I'll be there in an hour! ;)

But I was a nice girl and insteat of ignoring Brad, I answered.

To Bradley:
I'm sorry Brad but I'm hanging around with Blake and his group.

Blake had answered me with an 'okay see you!' And Brad...

From Bradley:
Ugh those nerds :( Xx

To Bradley:
Those nerds are my friends, deal with it!

From Bradley:
Okay okay don't get all sassy now Lo! Xx

To Bradley:
Gotta go now!!

From Bradley:
You can come around when you're done hanging with those nerds you call your friends! Xx

To Bradley:

From Bradley:
Ugh you annoye me but at the same time you turn me on! Xx

I decided to ignore him and get ready to leave the house.

"Where are you going?" My dad asks.

"I'm going to Blake to help them with their music." I said. I told my dad already about Blake and his friends and he was fine with that.

"As long as this isn't another lie to hang out with Bradley." He said.

"I promise I'm going to Blake now." I gave him a small smile before I left. It took me 15 minutes of walking when I arrived. I knocked on the door and Blake let me in.

"Let's go to my room." He said where we met the other two boys who were playing the guitar.

"So you need my help?" I ask them.

"We need your opinion on this lyrics we got for our new song." Reece told me.

"Show me." Blake gave me a small piece of paper and I start reading.

My room still smells of your perfume
It's like I'm lying here next to you
Trying to figure it out
What you're all about
And I don't wanna lose
The smell of your perfume
From my room

"What do you think?" George asks.

"It sounds good but is this all?" I ask them.

"For now." Blake said. "We have to finish it in a week for the school party."

"You guys are performing?" I ask.

"Yes!" Reece shout full of excitement.

"No for real?" I ask and they nod.

"This will be our first and only chance to show the people at school what we are up to." Blake told me.

We were working on the song for hours and by surprise it was close to be done but we were getting tired of it. Reece and George decided to go home as Blake took me out for Nando's. We got our food and start eating as Blake kept asking me questions.

"How are you and Brad?" He asks.

"I don't know." I said and took a sip from my coke.

"How was the date?"

"It was fine." I told him.

"So you are his date to the school party?"

"I never said yes to him." I said. "But can we talk about something else?"

"About what?" Blake kept shouting questions at me.

"About you guys performing at the school party next week." I smiled.

"Don't." He said. "It makes me nervouse."

"What makes you so nervouse?" I ask. "You guys will smash it."

"We're playing before the vamps." He said.

"So it's not like they are better." I told him as I laid my hand on his as he kept looking down.

"They will make fun of us." He said and looked up at me. You could see his eyes tearing up.

"Of course they will." I said. "They are bullys that's what they do."

There was a silence between us.

"But who cares what they think?" I ask.

"Well the whole school loves them so everyone cares." He said.

"Don't be like that." I said squeezing his hand a little. "They will love you guys."

We ate our food and I took a quick photo of Blake for snapchat before we left and I went home. I thanked him for paying for my Nando's before we went our own way. Once I was home I went upstairs and checked my phone. It's 8:27 PM and got three missed texts.

From Blake:
Thank you for helping with the song and the nice chat at Nando's! Thanks for stikking up for me and the boys all the time! Xx (send: 8:20 PM)

From Bradley:
Hey babe! Xx (send: 3:38 PM)

From Bradley:
How was your date with Blake at Nando's? Xx (send: 8:17 PM)

So I decided to answer both of them!

To Blake:
Nha thank you for paying for my food and no problem I love hanging with you and the boys! You three will smash it at the school party! Xx

To Bradley:
How do you know?

Blake didn't answer me, he told me he probably will finish the song as he was home so he was probably busy. Brad insteat, he answered me right away.

From Bradley:
Snapchat maybe ;) Xx

To Bradley:
Oh Yeah, it was pretty nice!

From Bradley:
So you wanna hang now you're free? Xx

To Bradley:
First of all, what makes you think I'm free and second, it's almost dark outside why should I leave the house now?

From Bradley:
We can go for a walk in the park, it'd much nicer when it's dark and no one is around! Xx

To Bradley:
So you can kidnap me and make me go to the school party with you?

From Bradley:
That's a good idea! Xx

From Bradley:
No I'm joking, I just want to show you something! Xx

To Bradley:
If you wanna flash your dick at me, no thank you!

From Bradley:
What makes you think I'm like that all the time? Ugh so annoying! I just wanna show you something cool! Xx

To Bradley:
You promise me you won't kidnap me or make me have sex with you?

From Bradley:
I promise! Xx

From Bradley:
Can we meet in the park in 10? Xx

To Bradley:
I'll be there!

A/N: Ah another chapter :D

Same to you ~ Bradley SimpsonWhere stories live. Discover now