Germany x Reader

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"Die, die, die" you screamed as you shot at the aliens on Call Of Duty: Ghost. America sat next to you and was pushing you to hurry your butt up. You punched America in the shoulder when you both died. You groaned and fell back, you'd almost had it.

"Oh man, that totally stinks" America groaned, he slumped back against the seat, like a small child ready to throw a tantrum at someone, and that someone would be you. A knock at the door had you both running for the door. You pushed each other as you raced for the door. 

You swing it open to find Japan, Sweden, England, Germany, Italy and France. Italy bounced through the door screaming "PASTA!" You raised an eyebrow at him, then your eyes drifted towards Germany, just as your face heated up you quickly turned heading to the lounge room for another round of Ghost. Italy can running after you jumping onto your lap. 

"What's wrong (name), your face is red, like bright red?" Italy asked. You stood up fast knocking Italy on the ground and racing to the bathroom to wash your face, to cool it down more like it. When you finish splashing water on your face you stepped out of the bathroom to be attacked by France.

"Do you have any romancing games, jeux de fille" France asking swinging his arm around your shoulder.

Americas head popped into the hall smiling "I know the perfect Romance game."

"Noo!!" But it was to late he'd already screamed it.

"It's time to play Seven Minutes in Heaven."

-Time skip brought to you by America-

You couldn't believe they had forced you into the stupid game. You needed to finish Ghost, one more achievement and you would be finished the whole game. 

"Your turn first dudette" he shoved the hat in your direction, making things rattle from inside it as you slipped your hand into the hat. You felt around until your hand wrapped around something cold. Lifting my hand out I held up the Iron Cross in the light coming through the window.

"It's beautiful" you whisper. 

You felt a presence behind you, you turned to see the tall German, he wore a green Wehrmacht officer uniform with black boots, and you noticed that his cross was missing. You reached up and re-pinned it to his uniform. When you look up at his face, to see his cheeks tinted pink. So adorable.

"D-Danke" he whispered.

America's head popped in between you's, with his usualy grinning self he spoke "time to go into the closet" he pushed us towards the closet. 

"WAIT A MOMENT" you scream not sure what to do. 

America pushed us in, locking the closet door "seven minutes, use them wisely" he said from the other side of the door. 

You slam your fist against the door, cursing under your breath at America, who couldn't even hear you.

You turn to Germany, who could hardly see him but you could see the small blush covering his cheeks. "Germany if you feel uncomfortable we don't have to do anything" then your own face started to heat up.

Germany's eyes meet yours "I'm not uncomfortable… It's just that I want to… I mean… verdammt, I'll just show you" he moved closer, his head bent and plant a kiss on your lips. You stiffened for a few seconds before kissing back. It was soft and gentle at first but than it turned rough and passionate. He pulled back and rested his forehead and let out a breath while you breathed in. Sharing the same air is what most people say. 

"That was amazing" You say.

Germany smiled "it was" he spoke it against your lips. Was he going to kiss you again? You leaned forward. Just a little closer. The door to the closet flew open and America stood there. 

"Times up dude and dudette" America grinned.

A squeal came through your lips when you felt two strong arms wrap around you and lift you from your feet, you laughed as he raced up the stairs to your bedroom, dropping you on your bed. Seven minutes in heaven wasn't such a bad idea. 

-The end… Maybe-

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