Going home

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Ezra's pov
I saw Ahosoka landing my ship and saw Sabine saying come on thime to go home said Sabine, I picked up Sev into my arms and my Father ran to me seeing me holding Sev, is he going to live said Boss, I don't know but we have to go back home said Ezra and passed Sev to his father, Sabine I told you not to come into a fight like this said Ezra, I'm sorry ezzy said Sabine then see saw old Mandorlarians Warriors.

Sabine's pov
We have too go said Sabine, I know said Ezra, then all of the clone troopers got on the ship, Ahosoka get us out of here said Ezra, then Ezra look back to see one of the Warriors jump onto Ezra, ah get him off me said Ezra, then Sabine kicked the Warriors helmet off to see his face and they all saw what it look like it was Sabine's Father! Dad! Said Sabine, then Sabine's Bother Tristan jumped on the ship too and said you're going to die said Sabine's Bother and more Warriors come on the ship and the clone troopers started to shot them all and did they killed all of them but not Sabine's Father and Brother.

Ezra's pov
Ahh get off me and I used the force to push Sabine's Father off me and he fell out of the ship, Sabine's bother stop fighting her and ran up to Ezra saying you're going to die Jedi for what you did to my Mother said Tristan and they both fell off Ezra's ship and felling to their deaths, but Tristan and his Father has jet picks like Ezra has too,  I kick Sabine's Bother off of me so I can activate my jet pick, and the AI came on saying activating jet pick and the armour did, I landed on the ground to see if Sabine's Father and Brother too see where they are, activating night vision said the armour's AI, I look around to see nothing then to use my jet pick again to fly up to my ship, but heard a gunshot go off and it hit me in my leg I scared out of pain to see Tristan putting a gun to my face saying after your dead my father's going to kill Sabine said Tristan, you can't Tristan she's your sister said Ezra and got back up, she's not my sister anymore said Tristan and shot me again in my stomach this time again I scared out of pain, please Tristan don't do this said Ezra and getting back up, I can said Tristan but my Father's going to kill you said Tristan and Ezra look right at Sabine's Father and turned on the Darksabler and Tristan hit my leg where he shot me and I fell on the ground with my knees and the ground,
Do you have any last words said Sabine's Father, you're not going to kill me and Sabine's father just laughed saying stupid Jedi and Suong  the Darksabler to my neck but I grabbed my lightsaber and blocked it and said no I'm not a stupid Jedi said Ezra and used the force to choke them both but Ezra heard a voice saying don't Ezra and Ezra turned around to see who said it, it's Kanan's force ghost, Kanan? Said Ezra, please ezra let them go said Kanan and Ezra did then Kanan's force ghost disappeared then Ezra heard Sabine's father yelling for my wife and he was going to kill Ezra with the Darksabler but Ezra turned on his lightsaber killing Sabine's Father on the chest, and then he fell on the ground dead, Tristan then yelled No Father! And grabbed the Darksabler and attack Ezra and violently did but Ezra had no strength to fight with but defended himself with his lightsaber.

Sabine's pov
There! He's over there said Fixer, Sabine saw her Father dead on the ground but she didn't cared at all about her Father she come back to save Ezra her husband, then saw Ezra fighting against her Brother with the Darksabler, then Ezra turned around to see his wife Sabine, Sabine? Get out of here said Ezra but then he heard Sabine saying look out! Ezra then saw Tristan stabbing Ezra in the stomach with the Darksabler and said you die Jedi but Ezra's Father shot that Tristan hurting him bad and he ran away from Ezra.

Ezra's pov
I saw Tristan running for his life when my father was shooting at him and got Tristan good but he's going to be fine said Ezra and look down to see the Darksabler still on it didn't turn off, Ezra grabbed the Darksabler turning it off and Ezra fell on the ground on his knees looking to see his Dad and wife running to him, I can't believe I'm alive said Ezra but fell on the ground this time and look up to see Sabine picking him up and taking off Ezra's helmet and throwing it on the ground, Sabine I'm so sorry said Ezra and gave her a kiss and wanted unconscious in his wife's arms.

Sabine's pov
Ezzy please don't please don't said Sabine crying on Ezra, then Boss ran up to Sabine saying he's alive but we have to take him and to the Republic Jedi's ship said Boss and picked up his son in his arms and ran to Ezra's ship, Sabine grabbed his lightsaber and helmet and the Darksabler too and ran back to Ezra's ship with Boss and took off.

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