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6 months later... 3rd Person POV
Months after Simon's case had finally been solved, Bronwyn, Nate, Addy, and Cooper had . Addy discovering who she really is, Cooper in his happy relationship, and even Bronwyn and Nate deciding to start again. Just when they thought all the drama was over, it came back again.
News reporter: Jake Riordan, has broken out of jail and is on the loose. He had been arrested due to interference with the Simon Kelleher case. Please stay in your homes until further notice.

Addy's POV
I had just gotten home from a girls day with Ashton when Bronwyn had texted me telling me to turn on the news. I turned on the TV and listened as I was making myself some dinner.
News Reporter: Jake Riordan, who had been arrested due to inference with the Simon Kelleher case, has just broken out of jail. Please stay in your homes until further notice and lock all doors and windows.
Oh my gosh, Jake broke out of jail? How is that even possible? What if he's coming for me? Okay, Addy. Calm down, it's not like he knows where your apartment is anyways.
*loud banging on door*
No. Freaking. Way. There's no way that could be Jake, right? It could be Ashton, or Cooper, or Bronwyn. Just anybody besides Jake.
New message from unknown number: I'm coming for you.
Okay, this is getting wayyyy too creepy. I need to get out of here before Jake or whoever it is can come get me.
*door breaks open*
"Hey, Addy. Long time no see, eh?" Jake said with a creepy tone to his voice and an equally creepy smile on his face.
"How'd you know where I am?" I asked.
"I have my ways. Anyways, that's not important. I'm here to finally finish off what I should've done in the first place. Kill you." Jake said approaching towards me.
"Get the hell out of my place before I call authorities so you can go back to where you belong, in jail." I demanded with anger laced within my voice.
"You think I'll just go because you told me to? It's not going to be that easy to get rid of me, Addy. I'll go when you'll already be gone!" Jake yelled while lunging towards me.
He chased me around the apartment until I finally had been able to lock myself in my bedroom. I stacked every piece of furniture I had in that room up against the door to make a barricade.
"That'll buy me some time." I thought to myself.
There's no way I'll be able to get out of here alive, not with Jake here. I need somebody who can help me out of here, and I know the perfect person.

Cooper's POV
As soon as Addy hadn't called me about us hanging out today, I knew something was up. Addy never misses an opportunity to hang out with friends.
Bronwyn: have you heard the news yet?
Me: what news?
Bronwyn: Jake escaped from jail, coop!
Me: typing...
My heart sunk. Jake got out of jail? He's probably going after Addy! Why hadn't I thought of this earlier? I need to go help Addy, he's probably already there.
Bronwyn: coop?
Me: Bronwyn, call 9-1-1 and tell them to get to Addy's apartment ASAP. Get Nate and get there as fast as you guys can. Addy's life depends on it.
Bronwyn: omg, you don't think...
Me: knowing Jake, it's highly possible. Meet me there.

Nate's POV
I was just sitting around, watching Stan as always when all of a sudden, someone started pounding on the door. Who could it possibly be?
"Nate, we need to get to Addy's. Now." Bronwyn said out of breath.
"Why? What happened, Bronwyn?" I asked confused
"Jake...escaped...Addy..." Bronwyn said in between breaths.
Oh no. I put the pieces together and realized the horrible truth. Jake had escaped from jail and was probably already at Addy's apartment. Addy's in danger.
"Let's go." I said dragging her to my motorcycle.
Bronwyn's POV
God, please let Addy be okay. I pulled out my phone and called 9-1-1.
"9-1-1, what's your emergency?"
"Hi, Jake Riordan escaped form jail and he's after my friend. Please get there as fast as you can."I said panicking.
"Alright, we'll just need an address."
"1234 Los Angeles Way."
"Alright thank you miss."
I hung up and out my phone back in my bag. I held Nate as tight as possible as the speed we were going at was definitely above speed limit.

3rd Person POV
As Cooper, Bronwyn, and Nate were all rushing to the apartment with the authorities, Jake had already broken down the door and was now moving all the furniture away.
"Jake, please stop this. I said I was sorry and I mean it!" Addy screamed.
"You know what they say, an eye for an eye but in this case, it's a life for a life you ruined." Jake said, his piercing blue eyes turning ice cold.
Addy screamed and ran onto the balcony in hopes to find Bronwyn and the group, which in her luck she did.
"Bronwyn!" Addy screamed at the top of her lungs.
"Oh my gosh, Addy! Look out behind you!" Bronwyn yelled as Jake tried to push her off the edge.
Addy turned around and punched Jake straight in the nose which gave her some time to get away. She ran to the kitchen and found the largest knife she could find. Jake followed into the kitchen.
"Take one more step and I'll kill you with this very knife." Addy said sternly.
"I'll kill you first before you can kill me." Jake said while pulling out a knife from his pocket.
Jake started walking closer and closer towards Addy and eventually they started fighting. Addy had lost her grip on her knife.
"Goodbye, Addy." Jake said preparing to slit her throat.
Just before he could though, police came barging in and they handcuffed him, arrested him and sentenced him to life sentence. And Jake's final words to Addy were:

"I will get my revenge one day, Addy. This won't ever be the last time you'll see of me."

The End

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2018 ⏰

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